AP poll finds 7 of 10 Americans don't trust the SCOTUS
(too old to reply)
2024-07-02 03:01:13 UTC
A solid majority of Americans say Supreme Court justices are more likely
to be guided by their own ideology rather than serving as neutral
arbiters of government authority, a new poll finds, as the high court is
poised to rule on major cases involving former President Donald Trump
and other divisive issues.

The survey from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs
Research found that 7 in 10 Americans think the high court’s justices
are more influenced by ideology, while only about 3 in 10 U.S. adults
think the justices are more likely to provide an independent check on
other branches of government by being fair and impartial.

The poll reflects the continued erosion of confidence in the Supreme
Court, which enjoyed broader trust as recently as a decade ago. It
underscores the challenge faced by the nine justices — six appointed by
Republican presidents and three by Democrats — of being seen as
something other than just another element of Washington’s

The justices are expected to decide soon whether Trump is immune from
criminal charges over his efforts to overturn his 2020 reelection
defeat, but the poll suggests that many Americans are already uneasy
about the justices’ ability to rule impartially.

2024-07-02 03:39:10 UTC
Post by DocUFO
A solid majority of Americans say Supreme Court justices are more likely
to be guided by their own ideology rather than serving as neutral
arbiters of government authority
That's a fake poll.

Judges aren't neutral. Not ever.

Remember Tookie Williams? Executed for multiple murders? His conviction
was upheld a number of times and several of the judges who heard those
appeals even stated that they believed it was wrong... BUT THEY ALL
UPHELD THAT CONVICTION. Because, as judges they were ruling on the law
not on guilt or innocence.

The Supreme Court is the ultimate "Appeals" court.

"I'll fight it all the way to the Supreme Court" translates directly
to "I will appeal this all the way to the Supreme Court."

They're concern is the constitution. It's not about liking or disliking
a law, it's whether the law is constitutional or not.
Post by DocUFO
a new poll finds
Trump is winning. THAT is what the polls find.
2024-07-02 08:43:54 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by DocUFO
A solid majority of Americans say Supreme Court justices are more
likely to be guided by their own ideology rather than serving as
neutral arbiters of government authority
That's a fake poll.
Judges aren't neutral. Not ever.
Remember Tookie Williams? Executed for multiple murders? His conviction
was upheld a number of times and several of the judges who heard those
appeals even stated that they believed it was wrong... BUT THEY ALL
UPHELD THAT CONVICTION. Because, as judges they were ruling on the law
not on guilt or innocence.
The Supreme Court is the ultimate "Appeals" court.
"I'll fight it all the way to the Supreme Court" translates directly
to "I will appeal this all the way to the Supreme Court."
They're concern is the constitution. It's not about liking or disliking
a law, it's whether the law is constitutional or not.
Post by DocUFO
a new poll finds
Trump is winning. THAT is what the polls find.
Hey, tenderloin, we don't realistically expect any human serving in any
official, professional capacity, or any human doing any job, to be
without biases.
It is why the courts have a process that helps jurors arrive at a fair
and honest decision based on the evidence only. Not the defendants'
personalities, not their lifestyles nor beliefs, etc.
But to judge them on the actual evidence of a crime committed. I believe
that system has been mostly fair and honest as humans can make it albeit
their potentially destructive or polluting biases.
It is obviously a process that like all others dealing with human
behaviors, is sometimes biased in its verdicts, sentencing people on
convictions that had class, politics, piety (etc) messing with decisions
Yet what is to be done? A revision of the process? Computers and robots
as jurors, judges and attorneys? AI used to avoid emotionalism, perhaps?
Implants to shock judges and jurors that violate the process. 200 volts
in their asses to keep them on the narrow road to truth and fairness??
Let me know what's your ingenious solution.
Meanwhile, where's the evidence a mass leftist evil conspiracy is
pulling judicial and electoral strings?
The courts are fake, charges and convictions fake...how real is Donnie?
2024-07-02 16:28:02 UTC
Post by DocUFO
Post by DocUFO
A solid majority of Americans say Supreme Court justices are more
likely to be guided by their own ideology rather than serving as
neutral arbiters of government authority
Hey, tenderloin, we don't realistically expect any human serving in any
official, professional capacity, or any human doing any job, to be
without biases.
So why the above?

"Poll finds people are realistic, not the least bit surprised or
Post by DocUFO
But to judge them on the actual evidence of a crime committed.
That's NOT what an appeals court does, of which the Supreme Court
is the ultimate, and it's certainly never what happens in the
Supreme Court.
Post by DocUFO
Yet what is to be done? A revision of the process? Computers and robots
as jurors, judges and attorneys?
None of your words are relevant to the FAKE outrage of the Supreme
Court ruling.
2024-07-03 05:52:06 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by DocUFO
Post by DocUFO
A solid majority of Americans say Supreme Court justices are more
likely to be guided by their own ideology rather than serving as
neutral arbiters of government authority
Hey, tenderloin, we don't realistically expect any human serving in any
official, professional capacity, or any human doing any job, to be
without biases.
So why the above?
"Poll finds people are realistic, not the least bit surprised or
Post by DocUFO
But to judge them on the actual evidence of a crime committed.
That's NOT what an appeals court does, of which the Supreme Court
is the ultimate, and it's certainly never what happens in the
Supreme Court.
Post by DocUFO
Yet what is to be done? A revision of the process? Computers and robots
as jurors, judges and attorneys?
None of your words are relevant to the FAKE outrage of the Supreme
Court ruling.
Little discussed in this decision is that that it will be thrown back
to a lower court to decide on "pseudo official acts." He will not be
immune from their decisions. Only on "official acts."
It's similar to throwing back issues to the states to resolve without
federal action.
IOW, the SCOTUS shirks its responsibility to decide over the courts
below it but in this case, has the lower courts do the dirty work,
taking the heat for it and away from the SCOTUS.
Nixon claimed immunity and got it but that was without any prior
court investigation - no impeachment, either. Donnie's case is not
anything like Nixon's.
Immunity doesn't strengthen our judicial system at all. It weakens
it greatly by dismissing the lawbreaking as okay for the elite. In this
case Donnie and his cohorts attempted to pull off an electoral coup.
If there is immunity determined for them, then it means any President
can be a seditious bastard and walk away free.
A very poor example of our supposed love for punishment for seditious
acts. Being a total outrage that "patriotic" leaders would resort to
a lowly take-over of our election - while claiming a leftist plot to
take over the government was underway.
Biden had already won and so there was no practical sane reason to
risk a coup.
There has been every attempt to shift a disgusting assault on our
Capitol with blame aimed at leftist infiltrators setting up the
mob for an assault.
All this diversion from the fact Donnie has never proven in a court
of law his allegations of traitorous leftists rigging the election.
This extremely important piece of evidence hasn't manifested in over
three years.
It won't be manifesting. And Donnie will be punished unless he wants
to have Vlad grant him asylum without extradition or maybe Netanyahu
will hide him away in his house.
Someone high up saw this decision coming when there was sudden
activity to push two conservative judges off their bench seats.
Some group knows the SCOTUS is a political instrument and doesn't
want Donnie's dirty work left unpunished. Some person or party wants
him out of politics altogether. Every attempt to delay the election,
avoiding the two critical J6 trials, and if Donald wins he'll surely
squash the the legal attempts to send him to the Big House.
If my hunch is right, roundabout discussions about assassination being
the final solution will receive more media attention. Suggestions that
Donnie should be killed or at least put away in prison for a long
spell to save the nation from a fascist agenda will begin circulating.

2024-07-03 06:30:22 UTC
Post by DocUFO
Little discussed in this decision is that that it will be thrown back
to a
Kind of funny but I've said MANY MANY TIMES in my life that if
it wasn't an issue for you a year ago, it shouldn't be an issue
for you in the current election.

This is a prime example.

Something that has always been true your whole life, your father's
whole life, your grandfather's whole life (etc) is still true, and
you are being ordered to see this as an important, PRESSING issue
right now.

Here. Look how old this story is:

This is infinitely more important. And the American media doesn't
want to touch it!

Good golly Christ! The shadow government has literally taken us
to the brink of nuclear war! Officially!

This Ukraine policy was stupid from the start, then turned
indefensible and is now beyond madness! And instead of changing
that policy, the people ruling in Biden's name DOUBLED DOWN!

There are incredibly important things and the sheeple are being
ordered to crap themselves over a ruling that translates
literally to "No change."
Steven Douglas
2024-07-03 17:23:00 UTC
Post by DocUFO
Little discussed in this decision is that that it will be thrown back
to a lower court to decide on "pseudo official acts." He will not be
immune from their decisions. Only on "official acts."
Then what is your problem with the decision?
Post by DocUFO
It's similar to throwing back issues to the states to resolve without
federal action.
IOW, the SCOTUS shirks its responsibility
Wow, are you really this ignorant, that you don't know that
this is standard procedure when a case has been brought to
the Supreme Court that requires further investigation by
lower courts? And if the decisions the lower courts make
are still not making one party or the other happy, the
more recent decisions by the lower courts could wind up
back in the Supreme Court all over again.
Post by DocUFO
to decide over the courts
below it but in this case, has the lower courts do the dirty work,
taking the heat for it and away from the SCOTUS.
Wow, you really are this ignorant of the way our justice
system works. Absolutely incredible.
2024-07-06 02:01:08 UTC
Post by Steven Douglas
Post by DocUFO
Little discussed in this decision is that that it will be thrown back
to a lower court to decide on "pseudo official acts." He will not be
immune from their decisions. Only on "official acts."
Then what is your problem with the decision?
Post by DocUFO
It's similar to throwing back issues to the states to resolve without
federal action.
IOW, the SCOTUS shirks its responsibility
Wow, are you really this ignorant, that you don't know that
this is standard procedure when a case has been brought to
the Supreme Court that requires further investigation by
lower courts? And if the decisions the lower courts make
are still not making one party or the other happy, the
more recent decisions by the lower courts could wind up
back in the Supreme Court all over again.
Post by DocUFO
to decide over the courts
below it but in this case, has the lower courts do the dirty work,
taking the heat for it and away from the SCOTUS.
Wow, you really are this ignorant of the way our justice
system works. Absolutely incredible.
All Donnie hopes to do is to get to election day where he dreams of
a retributive comeback that he hopes will jail his "witch hunters"
while he implements Project 2025 to reinvent the Constitution,
putting almost total control into his hands, including ending the
autonomy of the states.
That's just the beginning. Civil war is now almost certain if voters
are stupid and delusional by reelecting him.
You'll not like civil war at all, junior. It means economic collapse.
2024-07-06 04:54:58 UTC
Post by DocUFO
All Donnie hopes
One reason why I can't respect anything you spew using this
Doc alter is because it's all predicated on insanity, like
insisting that you can read Trump's mind the way you are
doing right now.

You have no clue what Trump has said. Many times you have
cherry picked a made-up or out of context quote from the
media. Other times, like now, you just claim to be able to
read his thought, gleam his every unspoken motivation and
none of it ever maps to any actions on his part...

Talk policies.

What, specifically, do you like & support about Biden? His
handling of the middle east? The Ukraine? China? Inflation?

Steven Douglas
2024-07-02 20:40:08 UTC
Post by DocUFO
A solid majority of Americans say Supreme Court justices are more likely
to be guided by their own ideology rather than serving as neutral
arbiters of government authority, a new poll finds,
I agree with that. The liberal justices sounded like
children with their opposition to the immunity ruling.
So I would be part of the 70%. Did you have a point?