Alien-parahuman terrestrial theory gains support among scientists
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2024-06-16 23:33:16 UTC
144,051 views Jun 14, 2024
Researchers at Harvard University and Montana Technological Institute
speculate that an unidentified, technologically advanced population of
extraterrestrial, alien lifeforms could be secretly living among humans
on Earth.

In a new paper, the team hypothesized that sightings of UFOs could be
signs of aliens “concealed in stealth here on Earth” or “walking among us.”

The researcher also shared the possible existence of a non-human,
underground civilization that may be “descendants of unknown,
intelligent dinosaurs” and that there could be hidden occupants, likened
to angels or fairies that have traveled to Earth.

Researchers have urged the scientific community to be open-minded about
the information.

Nick Pope previously ran the British government’s UFO project. He joined
LiveNOW from FOX’s Josh Breslow to discuss the details.

Aliens/parahumans are amongst our population and have been for thousands
of years. I have favored this belief for decades.
We've never been "alone."
This FOX segment's synopsis emphasizes an alien origin but the 10-minute
video goes beyond that bias. You can get the essence of a terrestrially
based theory beginning at RT 3:05.
You, I and many others have likely interacted with alien-parahumans!
People have married them, had sex with them, had them as friends and
business associates.
And not had a clue they were "different." Anatomically, they are the
same in appearance and physiology. This is not necessarily plastic
surgery or some exotic disguise at work. But some may be using such
technology to disguise themselves.
The familiar UFO aliens that are depicted as 4-ft. bulb-headed,
almond eyed gray humanoids may be either another species or androids.
They are suspiciously so similar in appearance as if they've been
And do they know they are not the same as us? Yes, likely but maybe
only some.
They are very much like us and may have propagated on Earth (but their
"seed" may have come from another world). Panspermia.
Nonetheless, our and their species have sprung from apes, whether in
this world or some other. The ET "seeding" followed an evolutionary
And the most notable difference is their brain capacity. It is greater
than most of our species except possibly "geniuses" and other more
intellectually gifted homo sapiens.
Their technology is greatly advanced but not necessarily millennia
ahead of ours, but possibly reachable for our species within a few
hundred years or less.
There are some obvious "anthropological" and rational holes in this
theory and other deficiencies - which partly may be caused by a lack of
scientific knowledge.
In any case, the "parahuman" or "alien-parahuman" theory is gaining
some high academic acceptance after a very long dormancy.
In 1969 and into the early 70s, civilian researchers introduced
a theory that angels and aliens had a common nature and origin.
Some began to liken ufology to demonology, advancing a theory that
co-inhabiting intelligent entities were misinterpreted as spirits,
angels, demons, fairies, etc.
"Passport to Magonia" and "Operation Trojan Horse" by Vallee and Keel,
respectively, among others, had speculated four decades ago that
"ultraterrestrials" - seemingly angels and demons and other
phantasmagorical entities (such as ghosts) - are misinterpreted based
on our strong religious beliefs and folklore. They are actually the
manifestation of other intelligent beings that co-inhabit and/or
travel back and forth (dimensionally or within our universe).
I ran into stiff opposition decades ago advancing "ultraterrestrial"
concepts over a strictly extraterrestrial concept.
And now major cracks are appearing in that latter and very popular
Academic and scientific sources are now saying it's entirely possible
that UFOs' occupants have been here all along, living amongst us.
And that they may not have come from an extraterrestrial source
It is a growing vindication of my controversial reversal decades ago,
when ET-UFO believers (and all major medias) shut out other
possibilities of the nature and origin of UFOs/UAP/AVVs.
IF this emerging and more attractive theory gains support, it'll
mean that major medias will quickly spread it around if for no other
reason than to criticize it. And that will paradoxically bring it
into major serious discussion and debate.

2024-06-17 15:28:00 UTC
Post by DocUFO
Researchers at Harvard University and Montana Technological Institute
speculate that an unidentified, technologically advanced population of
extraterrestrial, alien lifeforms could be secretly living among humans
on Earth.
My money is on the micro dragons.

Think about it: Nobody has ever shown you proof that they
don't exist. Right?

And how is it that Dragons exist in cultures from Europe to
China, when there was no contact, and nobody was supposedly
seeing them for real?

And look at the pictures, the images: They're all small!
Find a picture of a dragon in a medieval manuscript, take
out a measuring tape, so how big it really is!


There's no proof that CO2 is warming the earth but what
about thousands, maybe millions of miniature dragons
breathing fire all the time? FIRE HEATS THINGS! There is
proof that fire heats things up, so its not CO2 that killed
all the polar bears, it's Micro Dragons!

Many scientists agree!
2024-06-17 18:28:03 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by DocUFO
Researchers at Harvard University and Montana Technological Institute
speculate that an unidentified, technologically advanced population of
extraterrestrial, alien lifeforms could be secretly living among
humans on Earth.
My money is on the micro dragons.
Think about it:  Nobody has ever shown you proof that they
don't exist. Right?
And how is it that Dragons exist in cultures from Europe to
China, when there was no contact, and nobody was supposedly
seeing them for real?
And look at the pictures, the images:  They're all small!
Find a picture of a dragon in a medieval manuscript, take
out a measuring tape, so how big it really is!
There's no proof that CO2 is warming the earth but what
about thousands, maybe millions of miniature dragons
breathing fire all the time? FIRE HEATS THINGS!  There is
proof that fire heats things up, so its not CO2 that killed
all the polar bears, it's Micro Dragons!
Many scientists agree!
Many agree that you desperately need a special form of
physical "therapy" most often used to correct slyly
delivered malicious mockery masquerading as "commentary."

How sweeeeettt it is!

2024-06-17 19:49:07 UTC
Post by DocUFO
Many agree that you desperately need a special form of
physical "therapy" most often used to correct slyly
delivered malicious mockery masquerading as "commentary."


I've become a whore for attention the same way that you're
a whore for woodland creatures, farm animals & Greta
look-alike prostitutes.
Post by DocUFO
How sweeeeettt it is!
You spend far too much time thinking about my bottom.

I hope AOC tells you to lie down naked so she can
give you a massage and you don't even notice the
vasoline jar until it's too late...
Steven Douglas
2024-06-17 18:31:29 UTC
Post by DocUFO
Researchers at Harvard University and Montana Technological Institute
speculate that an unidentified, technologically advanced population of
extraterrestrial, alien lifeforms could be secretly living among humans
on Earth.
I cited these guys and their study in the thread titled,
"Worldly people are working on their explanation for one
End Times phenomenon"
2024-06-18 03:27:57 UTC
Post by Steven Douglas
Post by DocUFO
Researchers at Harvard University and Montana Technological Institute
speculate that an unidentified, technologically advanced population of
extraterrestrial, alien lifeforms could be secretly living among humans
on Earth.
I cited these guys and their study in the thread titled,
"Worldly people are working on their explanation for one
End Times phenomenon"
Christians have since the 1950s largely interpreted UFOs and their
supposed alien pilots as manifestations of satanic deception to
lessen the interest in Jesus's philosophy and moral authority.

I ran into it at a UFO exhibition my group and another one held at
a public library in 1967. It drew some Christians that reminded us
we teenagers were being led astray from God's teachings into lies
of demons and Satan.

Well, LOL, decades later, UFOs are now much more acceptable as a
possible presence. Curiously, the apocalyptic warnings from Christian
and other religious sources are mirrored in some aliens' warnings
of impending global doom.

Christians have also melded their philosophy with an ET-oriented
prophetic outlook that is not very dissimilar to the narrative of
the aliens.

And that has produced many UFO-related cults waiting for the world
to experience the wonders of superior alien beings' solutions.

My interest in UFOlogy has always been to prove the craft are not
our specie's creation, but another humanoid intelligence's work.

If I and millions of believers are wrong, then it must mean we're
more secretly tech-advanced than any evidence so far uncovered.

2024-06-17 20:12:46 UTC
Post by DocUFO
Researchers at Harvard University and Montana Technological Institute
speculate that an unidentified, technologically advanced population of
extraterrestrial, alien lifeforms could be secretly living among humans
on Earth.
This explains why the idiot talking is Nick "Cha-Ching" Pope, the exact
kind of man you have always claimed to hate.

There is literally nothing to this story. Nothing what so ever.
Post by DocUFO
In a new paper, the team hypothesized

What evidence?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. It's sensationalized bullshit.
Post by DocUFO
that sightings of UFOs
So, what they're saying is that mental illness is prevalent in

could be
Post by DocUFO
signs of aliens “concealed in stealth here on Earth”
No. The UFO sightings are the micro dragon. They fly. They breath
fire, which is perceived as light. Because, fire lights up & stuff.

Again: Without any contact what so ever, dragons are found inside
cultures from western most Europe to China!

Coincidence? NO!

So already this comes down to how big they are, these dragons. we
already proved they exist, we're just arguing over size.

Well. Think of this: The biggest ones were the biggest threat to
humans so they were most likely to be killed. Plus they were the
most susceptible to fluctuations in the food supply. The small ones,
on the other hand, had a VASTLY more easy time finding enough food
to survive. They were also much more easily hidden and even when
spotted they weren't perceived as much of a threat, because they
were so small.

Hence: Micro Dragons!
2024-06-18 03:08:02 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by DocUFO
Researchers at Harvard University and Montana Technological Institute
speculate that an unidentified, technologically advanced population of
extraterrestrial, alien lifeforms could be secretly living among
humans on Earth.
This explains why the idiot talking is Nick "Cha-Ching" Pope, the exact
kind of man you have always claimed to hate.
There is literally nothing to this story. Nothing what so ever.
Post by DocUFO
In a new paper, the team hypothesized
What evidence?
Nothing. Absolutely nothing. It's sensationalized bullshit.
Post by DocUFO
that sightings of UFOs
So, what they're saying is that mental illness is prevalent in
 could be
Post by DocUFO
signs of aliens “concealed in stealth here on Earth”
No. The UFO sightings are the micro dragon. They fly. They breath
fire, which is perceived as light. Because, fire lights up & stuff.
Again:  Without any contact what so ever, dragons are found inside
cultures from western most Europe to China!
Coincidence? NO!
So already this comes down to how big they are, these dragons. we
already proved they exist, we're just arguing over size.
Well. Think of this:  The biggest ones were the biggest threat to
humans so they were most likely to be killed. Plus they were the
most susceptible to fluctuations in the food supply. The small ones,
on the other hand, had a VASTLY more easy time finding enough food
to survive. They were also much more easily hidden and even when
spotted they weren't perceived as much of a threat, because they
were so small.
Hence:  Micro Dragons!
Thunder birds, dragons, winged demons and cherubs, it's all the
same to me.
Myths based on subjective interpretation of things experienced humans
cannot correctly identify.
As it is with UFOs and supposed aliens flying them. For believers in
ET visitation, the lights and shapes in our skies are nasty or nice
visitors from other realms.
Or they could simply be terrestrially based - and that theory I propose
that is included in Pope's narrative - as beings grown here that mirror
ourselves in many ways but intellectually superior to most of us.
Or we are forced to consider that sci-fi technology is here now, and
has been for at least seven decades but without commercialization.
It seems impossible for capitalistic or just greedy people to not have
fully exploited such advanced aerial tech since WW2.
It likely means some other humanoid intelligence created the flying
wonders and may or may not have fallen into the hands of our species. If
it has, then I'd fully expect Putin, Xipiang or Kim Jong Un would be
salivating for their field application against the West, and vice versa
with our leaders and industrialists hankering for dominance.
2024-06-18 04:37:03 UTC
Post by DocUFO
Thunder birds, dragons, winged demons and cherubs, it's all the
same to me.
You said the same thing about "Consenting and passed-out drunk."
Post by DocUFO
Myths based on subjective interpretation of things experienced humans
cannot correctly identify.
You're talking bullshit.

Is Bigfoot similar to thunderbirds?

Because, oddly enough, Bigfoot like creatures are also near
universal, like dragons. Take the Yeti for just one example.

"Nah, they're just thunderbirds and cherubs."
--Larry Leslie
2024-06-18 07:20:20 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by DocUFO
Thunder birds, dragons, winged demons and cherubs, it's all the
same to me.
You said the same thing about "Consenting and passed-out drunk."
Post by DocUFO
Myths based on subjective interpretation of things experienced humans
cannot correctly identify.
You're talking bullshit.
Is Bigfoot similar to thunderbirds?
Because, oddly enough, Bigfoot like creatures are also near
universal, like dragons. Take the Yeti for just one example.
"Nah, they're just thunderbirds and cherubs."
           --Larry Leslie
The Sasquatch is a very real critter. I know what I saw that night
in June 1967.
And so the videos and photos interest me only to the point of
comparing what I saw to what purportedly was a Sasquatch in photos/
And some of it matches despite the fakes and mis-identifications.
There are ghosts, too, as I witnessed a dark humanoid specter with
my mother decades ago.
And there are certainly very unusual flying craft and creatures
that sometimes are associated with them.
You would do well to read John Keel's voluminous book, Operation
Trojan Horse, and Jacques Vallee's Passport to Magonia. Humanity
is afflicted with phantasmagorical entities and objects that easily
rival the imagination of sci-fi writers.
Sci-fi may be simply part of our consciousnesses genetically
influenced by memories derived from the Nephilim or some other
species that we draw on, thinking it's our future but not realizing
these things existed long ago, pioneered by a companion humanoid
species much smarter and evolved.
For today's two leaders in the most evolved and powerful nation
state in history, DJT and Biden, it would appear were getting
dumber and devolving.
2024-06-18 16:12:58 UTC
Post by DocUFO
The Sasquatch is a very real critter.
It's "Really" dumb, if that's what you mean.
Post by DocUFO
I know what I saw that night
in June 1967.

In your example, "Bias" would be huge.
Post by DocUFO
And so the videos and photos interest me only to the point of
comparing what I saw to what purportedly was a Sasquatch in photos/
Bigfoot was not an unknown to you. You already had in your head
what a Bigfoot looks like BEFORE you decided you saw one.
Post by DocUFO
And some of it matches despite the fakes and mis-identifications.
There are ghosts, too, as I witnessed a dark humanoid specter with
my mother decades ago.
Are you sure you're not Mike, because Mike assured me that his
mother is the "dark humanoid specter." And his sister was another
Post by DocUFO
And there are certainly very unusual flying craft and creatures
that sometimes are associated with them.
"I see dead people. And their flying saucers."
Post by DocUFO
You would do well to read John Keel's voluminous book, Operation
Trojan Horse, and Jacques Vallee's Passport to Magonia.
They'd do well to read my usenet posts!