Actual SCIENCE behind quantum consciousness
(too old to reply)
2024-06-20 05:25:53 UTC

My one complaint is his voice, like he's almost trying to
whisper! And my other complaint, because when I said "One"
I meant "Two," is that he seems to think that these
quantum states couldn't last long enough to matter!


Time doesn't matter, not in a quantum state.

It could be a million years it could be a millionth of a
second -- ZERO difference to a quantum state.

But, the fact that we actually have some science behind
Quantum Consciousness is exciting, is it not?

2024-06-23 06:20:21 UTC
Post by JTEM
My one complaint is his voice, like he's almost trying to
whisper!  And my other complaint, because when I said "One"
I meant "Two," is that he seems to think that these
quantum states couldn't last long enough to matter!
The funny thing is, and by "Funny" I mean not actually
funny at all but, I predicted this.

Well. I predicted what it's saying. Or maybe not what it's
saying but what it means: Consciousness doesn't have to
be in the brain. It could be anywhere in the body. It could
be EVERYWHERE in the body.

I always thought the ancient weren't smart but that they
were intuitive, and they consistently dismissed the
brain, insisting that the heart was what was important...

More or less rationalizing, maybe? Or maybe not? I thought
that if Quantum Consciousness was real then there'd be no
reason to tie it to the brain. And it would make sense
that consciousness would arrive prior to the evolution of
our "Higher" brains, possibly prior to anything we might
recognize as a brain. But..

But if this theory discusses above is correct, it would
certainly include the brain, even if not exclusively.

I dunno.

You tell me.