Oh yeah, we've got a real beaut of a nation coming
(too old to reply)
2024-06-22 19:13:52 UTC

All we need for a nirvana in America is D.J.T.

That's it! Nothing complex. Complexity just throws
bolts and screws into a well-oiled fascist system
now being engineered by D.J.T. - first started with
a rigged-election hoax and then advanced to a violent
obstruction of the electoral system.

And now, tragically, a push by elitists to have a good
ol' civil war again, 160 years later. An ugly costly
and stupid human disaster of 700,000 dead in four years.
That'd likely be a small casualty figure these days.

It's all justified by a belief in conspiracies which
haven't been supported by court evidence.

And while we're waiting for a possible reelection of a
totally corrupt ex-President, D.J.T., we need to hear
how his foe, Joe Biden, if reelected, will ruin America.

It's already on the road to ruin but not from commies,
Marxists and "radical Democrats," no, not at all!

It's far-right radicalism, infused with evangelism,
and power and wealth-mad capitalist elites and their
fawning sycophants at all societal levels.

It's just about over for America as we've known it,
as it was in the late 1980's for the USSR - now
a troubled ex-empire of independent states deteriorating
from elements of a rising far right-wing movement, with
mother Russia headed by a dick-tator MAGAnites admire.

They admire Netanyahu, too, who's joined the dirty ranks
of mass murdering leaders whose supporters look the other

It's a civil war evolving and it appears nothing is here
to stop this insane tumble down into a Hell of our
making, as a species unable to morally right itself.

2024-06-22 20:45:52 UTC
Post by DocUFO
All we need for a nirvana in America is D.J.T.
I know you're a troll but in case someone new
ever wanders in here...

Biden is not fit for office. He is not.

Biden is not in control. Biden is not making U.S.
foreign policy. Biden is not dictating the
legislative agenda of this administration. The man
is senile. My mother was diagnosed with Early Onset
Dementia after heart surgery (the artificial
respiration/heart can damage tiny vessels in the
brain) and her main nearly exclusive symptom was
short term memory. Biden is worse. A lot worse.

The goddamn prime minister of Italy had to drag
him back after wandering off!

So we have a shadow government.

Biden us unfit for office, he's not acting in the
role of Chief Executive and Commander in Chief so
someone(s) else is.

We have an unelected shadow government.

At the same time, the voters don't want him. Even
with the mother of all media biases, even with a
corrupt justice system, a rigged court, even with
all the attempts to remove Trump from the ballot,
he's still winning.

Could you image how HUGE his lead would be if we
had a fair & honest media? Could you image how much
of a difference that alone would make?

In 2016 the single biggest issue by far was the
Supreme Court -- preserving Roe v Wade, human rights
as in the case of LGBT people, preserving social
gains made since the 1950s. That was the single largest
most important issue by far, and you took a massive
dump on it. You're doing the same now for democracy.

We have a government that sees it as more important
to destabilize the globe and risk nuclear war with
Russia than to secure it's own borders.

We can't house the 41,000 homeless vets, but we can
house millions of illegal aliens.

We got two drinks this afternoon -- a coke and a
vitamin water -- a small salad, a burger and a
ham & cheese sub with lettuce, tomato and onion. It
cost $37 and change.

Inflation is ridiculous. Biden dismissed it entirely!

If you're rich and buy homes as an investment you
get to deduct EVERYTHING -- every cost, every expense.
But if you're just trying to put a roof over your
family you get nothing what so ever, except the interest
on your mortgage payment. And NOBODY in our government
thinks there's anything wrong here.

Yes, for the love of God; DRAIN THE SWAMP!

Say "Yes" to democracy! Say "Yes" to elected government!
2024-06-22 20:52:55 UTC
Post by JTEM
We have a government that sees it as more important
to destabilize the globe and risk nuclear war with
Russia than to secure it's own borders.
We can't house the 41,000 homeless vets, but we can
house millions of illegal aliens.
We got two drinks this afternoon -- a coke and a
Wow. I typed a lot more and it's just gone!
2024-06-23 03:51:54 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by JTEM
We have a government that sees it as more important
to destabilize the globe and risk nuclear war with
Russia than to secure it's own borders.
We can't house the 41,000 homeless vets, but we can
house millions of illegal aliens.
We got two drinks this afternoon -- a coke and a
Wow. I typed a lot more and it's just gone!
Loading Image...

No wonder.

Steven Douglas
2024-06-24 16:34:35 UTC
Post by DocUFO
Hmm, that "lady" whose voice is heard pronouncing an
expletive to the Trump supporters shows such class.
I stopped watching at that point.
Post by DocUFO
All we need for a nirvana in America is D.J.T.
You whine about some upcoming "civil war" in your mind,
yet you fail to understand that it's the hatred of you
and your fellow radical nutcase leftists who are going
to START such a war -- with your inordinate raging HATRED
being the underlying fuel that wills start such a war.
2024-06-24 22:31:25 UTC
Post by Steven Douglas
Post by DocUFO
Hmm, that "lady" whose voice is heard pronouncing an
expletive to the Trump supporters shows such class.
I stopped watching at that point.
What is shocking is how brainwashed people are... did you
read the comments?

So overly entitled cunt accosts two elders, she's rude as
fuck and nearly everyone in the comments is gushing
hate at the Trumpers who were the victims...

Jeeze, Google the word "Accosted!"
Steven Douglas
2024-06-25 21:11:38 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by Steven Douglas
Post by DocUFO
Hmm, that "lady" whose voice is heard pronouncing an
expletive to the Trump supporters shows such class.
I stopped watching at that point.
What is shocking is how brainwashed people are... did you
read the comments?
No, I clicked away from the video about 10 seconds in.
Post by JTEM
So overly entitled cunt accosts two elders, she's rude as
fuck and nearly everyone in the comments is gushing
hate at the Trumpers who were the victims...
Jeeze, Google the word "Accosted"
So it's Doc who posted this, showing HIS people starting
the problems, yet in Doc's confused mind it's Trumpers
who are going to start a civil war. But then Doc blames
Israel for being attacked by terrorists, so I'm sure
Doc also blames Trumpers for being attacked by NUTCASE
