Can Doc tell me why I'm supposed to vote for this?
(too old to reply)
Steven Douglas
2024-06-14 20:21:25 UTC
Our country's presence on the world stage is a disaster,
and some of our allies are becoming worried. Watch how
the Prime Minister of Italy had to go get Biden after
he wandered away from a group photo op with the G-7

She came from the far side of the group, and casually
went over to catch the wandering Biden and bring him
back to the group, as all the men milled around trying
to make it appear that they were still all together.

This was supposed to be a moment of unity, a show of
force to the bad guys of the world of the unity of
the G-7 leaders, and there's our wandering President
getting lost and needing to be rescued by the Prime
Minister of Italy.

[quoting] "Worrying scoop from G7 as diplomatic source
tells me Biden 'losing focus' in world leader sessions
here in Italy.

"Another says 'it's worst he's even been' at an international
summit" [end quote]


In addition to our our-of-control border, our sky-high gas
prices, food prices, housing costs, high interest rates,
and his inability to remain focused while meeting with
the leaders of our closest allies, why am I supposed to
vote for this disaster of a President?
Steven Douglas
2024-06-16 04:59:37 UTC
Post by Steven Douglas
Our country's presence on the world stage is a disaster,
and some of our allies are becoming worried. Watch how
the Prime Minister of Italy had to go get Biden after
he wandered away from a group photo op with the G-7
She came from the far side of the group, and casually
went over to catch the wandering Biden and bring him
back to the group, as all the men milled around trying
to make it appear that they were still all together.
This was supposed to be a moment of unity, a show of
force to the bad guys of the world of the unity of
the G-7 leaders, and there's our wandering President
getting lost and needing to be rescued by the Prime
Minister of Italy.
Biden is a laughingstock on the world stage. Watch the
Italian Prime Minister actually laugh at him in the
following video. How is it possible that this guy is
our President? Who voted for this? And why would ANYONE
expect me to vote for this clown? You've got to be kidding

Video title: "WOW! Joe Biden got EVEN WORSE this past week"

Steven Douglas
2024-06-17 18:43:55 UTC
I was really hoping Doc would give me some positive
reason to vote for Biden, but I suppose I can't really
blame Doc for his silence since Biden is such a HUGE
embarrassment to this country.

Speaking of which, watch as the REAL President (who is
actually running things through his top staff members,
who are now Biden's top staff members), and watch the
inept and failing Joe Biden has to be led away, as the
REAL President takes his puppet by the hand and then
guides him off the stage:

Video title: "Embarrassing moment Joe Biden appears to
FREEZE again before Barack Obama pulls him off-stage"

Does anyone actually believe that Joe Biden is in charge
2024-06-17 19:17:54 UTC
Post by Steven Douglas
I was really hoping Doc would give me some positive
reason to vote for Biden, but I suppose I can't really
blame Doc for his silence since Biden is such a HUGE
embarrassment to this country.
Speaking of which, watch as the REAL President (who is
actually running things through his top staff members,
who are now Biden's top staff members), and watch the
inept and failing Joe Biden has to be led away, as the
REAL President takes his puppet by the hand and then
Video title: "Embarrassing moment Joe Biden appears to
FREEZE again before Barack Obama pulls him off-stage"
Does anyone actually believe that Joe Biden is in charge
Look, junior, it's painfully obvious Joe Biden's ageing
problems have grown worse in the last two years. He's
now 81.
However, cognizant problems have been increasing for
his 78-year-old nemesis, DJT, as well as rapidly mounting
legal troubles of an unprecedented manner. And which
began when he chose to favor his pride over honesty and
civic responsibility by pretending he'd been the victim
of a leftist-led rigged-election conspiracy.
Since both candidates are remarkably unfit for office,
and the political/social polarization boiling over into
talk of civil war and foreign wars threatening our security,
it would be reasonably expected the USA is entering a period
of extreme volatility and danger to our form of government
and our lifestyles and futures.
So, have Donnie's seditious shenanigans and daily undermining
of our system added ANYTHING positive to our overall well-being
of our citizens?
It has been like a vicious childish poisoning of our society,
our governmental system, our laws and moral precepts set forth
in our Declaration and Constitution.
It appears that RFK, Jr., on the back burner with 15% of the
vote may have some mighty nice surprises ahead.
Steven Douglas
2024-06-17 23:54:01 UTC
Post by DocUFO
Post by Steven Douglas
I was really hoping Doc would give me some positive
reason to vote for Biden, but I suppose I can't really
blame Doc for his silence since Biden is such a HUGE
embarrassment to this country.
Speaking of which, watch as the REAL President (who is
actually running things through his top staff members,
who are now Biden's top staff members), and watch the
inept and failing Joe Biden has to be led away, as the
REAL President takes his puppet by the hand and then
Video title: "Embarrassing moment Joe Biden appears to
FREEZE again before Barack Obama pulls him off-stage"
Does anyone actually believe that Joe Biden is in charge
Look, junior, it's painfully obvious Joe Biden's ageing
problems have grown worse in the last two years. He's
now 81.
However, cognizant problems have been increasing for
his 78-year-old nemesis, DJT, as well
Given a choice between the two, I'm taking Trump -- who
seems about 20 years younger than Biden right now.
Steven Douglas
2024-06-18 23:18:43 UTC
Post by Steven Douglas
Post by DocUFO
Post by Steven Douglas
I was really hoping Doc would give me some positive
reason to vote for Biden, but I suppose I can't really
blame Doc for his silence since Biden is such a HUGE
embarrassment to this country.
Speaking of which, watch as the REAL President (who is
actually running things through his top staff members,
who are now Biden's top staff members), and watch the
inept and failing Joe Biden has to be led away, as the
REAL President takes his puppet by the hand and then
Video title: "Embarrassing moment Joe Biden appears to
FREEZE again before Barack Obama pulls him off-stage"
Does anyone actually believe that Joe Biden is in charge
Look, junior, it's painfully obvious Joe Biden's ageing
problems have grown worse in the last two years. He's
now 81.
However, cognizant problems have been increasing for
his 78-year-old nemesis, DJT, as well
Given a choice between the two, I'm taking Trump -- who
seems about 20 years younger than Biden right now.
The videos I have posted in this thread are being called
"Cheap Fakes" by Biden's press secretary. Apparently they
are going to try to convince all the ignoramuses who believe
the LYING media that Biden is actually quite vigorous and
the hardest working President we've ever had.
2024-06-19 04:18:39 UTC
Post by Steven Douglas
The videos I have posted in this thread are being called
"Cheap Fakes" by Biden's press secretary. Apparently they
are going to try to convince all the ignoramuses who believe
the LYING media that Biden is actually quite vigorous and
the hardest working President we've ever had.
The NY Post doubled down! They're standing by the video, and
the stills taken from it, and calling the Whitehouse liars.
Steven Douglas
2024-06-21 16:36:47 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by Steven Douglas
The videos I have posted in this thread are being called
"Cheap Fakes" by Biden's press secretary. Apparently they
are going to try to convince all the ignoramuses who believe
the LYING media that Biden is actually quite vigorous and
the hardest working President we've ever had.
The NY Post doubled down! They're standing by the video, and
the stills taken from it, and calling the Whitehouse liars.
What a shame that the vast majority of our LYING media
are such LYING hacks, with only a VERY few exceptions
such as the New York Post -- which was the ONE media
outlet that broke the story of Hunter Biden's infamous
laptop in 2020. But the LYING "mainstream" media told
us that the New York Post was lying, and that only they,
the LYING media in our country, were correct.

I wonder if the American people will wake up to what is
being done to us before it's too late? I seriously doubt
it, especially when there will always be gullible people
such as Doc around arguing in favor of the DC War Machine's
globalist agenda.
