Making the Steven alter JEALOUS!!!!
(too old to reply)
2024-06-13 18:26:48 UTC

That's my MAGA troll blog.

Not a lot of followers but I can't follow back,
else it would stop being my troll blog and it
would be my blog.
Steven Douglas
2024-06-14 20:09:32 UTC
Post by JTEM
That's my MAGA troll blog.
Not a lot of followers but I can't follow back,
else it would stop being my troll blog and it
would be my blog.
Maybe you can explain my motivation? Why am I supposed
to be jealous?
2024-06-15 03:38:48 UTC
Post by Steven Douglas
Post by JTEM
That's my MAGA troll blog.
Not a lot of followers but I can't follow back,
else it would stop being my troll blog and it
would be my blog.
Maybe you can explain my motivation? Why am I supposed
to be jealous?
Hit 970 notes in 24 hours, today.
Steven Douglas
2024-06-15 19:19:56 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by Steven Douglas
Post by JTEM
That's my MAGA troll blog.
Not a lot of followers but I can't follow back,
else it would stop being my troll blog and it
would be my blog.
Maybe you can explain my motivation? Why am I supposed
to be jealous?
Hit 970 notes in 24 hours, today.
I'm happy for you!
2024-06-16 05:02:43 UTC
Post by Steven Douglas
Post by JTEM
Hit 970 notes in 24 hours, today.
I'm happy for you!
I'm happy to see so many people active. Well, "Online"

952 notes, when I checked just now.

Anyway, I love that people are speaking up, finding
their voice but does it really matter?

Do we matter? At all?

We're like ants in the path of a steamroller.

Right now. I mean, even as I type Tumblr is alive
with people who genuinely believe that Palestine
would be a gay utopia if it weren't for those dirty
Jews... AND that they're free thinkers, not at all
influenced by social media, as well as the furthest
thing from Nazis.
Steven Douglas
2024-06-16 05:36:23 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by Steven Douglas
Post by JTEM
Hit 970 notes in 24 hours, today.
I'm happy for you!
I'm happy to see so many people active. Well, "Online"
952 notes, when I checked just now.
Anyway, I love that people are speaking up, finding
their voice but does it really matter?
Do we matter? At all?
We're like ants in the path of a steamroller.
True, our country is in trouble and that's just the way
the DC War Machine wants it. They want us in choas, so
we'll be more susceptible to being controlled when they
tell us they're going to save us from the chaos they are
Post by JTEM
Right now. I mean, even as I type Tumblr is alive
with people who genuinely believe that Palestine
would be a gay utopia if it weren't for those dirty
I think that's been one of the oddest things I have
seen in all those protests, are the LGBTQ people who
love Palestine. Are they really that ignorant, or is
their hatred of Jews so strong that they would rather
support people who would kill them in a heartbeat?
Post by JTEM
AND that they're free thinkers, not at all
influenced by social media, as well as the furthest
thing from Nazis.
The level of ignorance in the world right now is truly
astounding. But then it's probably due to the strong
delusion that God is sending to nonbelievers. They are
so deluded that they don't know how moronic they are.
2024-06-16 06:10:08 UTC
Post by Steven Douglas
I think that's been one of the oddest things I have
seen in all those protests, are the LGBTQ people who
love Palestine. Are they really that ignorant, or is
their hatred of Jews so strong that they would rather
support people who would kill them in a heartbeat?
They are subjected to constant propaganda and then of
course there's the herd mentality.

The short answer is: The establishment wants them to
be pro Palestinian anti Jewish.

That's it.

NED has decided that Israel is a mistake and has every
intention of "Correcting" that mistake.

It's not going to work, of course.

The middle east was never peaceful, and as we learned
from Morocco and Egypt, they are never going to stop
the terrorism. The destruction of Israel simply means
that they'll switch targets.
Steven Douglas
2024-06-17 18:21:15 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by Steven Douglas
I think that's been one of the oddest things I have
seen in all those protests, are the LGBTQ people who
love Palestine. Are they really that ignorant, or is
their hatred of Jews so strong that they would rather
support people who would kill them in a heartbeat?
They are subjected to constant propaganda and then of
course there's the herd mentality.
The short answer is: The establishment wants them to
be pro Palestinian anti Jewish.
That's it.
NED has decided that Israel is a mistake and has every
intention of "Correcting" that mistake.
It's not going to work, of course.
That's right. The Bible says once Israel has been restored
to its land (which happened in 1948) after sitting desolate
for an extended period of time, Israel will not be destroyed
again. There will be attempts, of course (which began almost
the moment Israel declared their independence in 1948), but
those attempts will always fail.
Post by JTEM
The middle east was never peaceful, and as we learned
from Morocco and Egypt, they are never going to stop
the terrorism. The destruction of Israel simply means
that they'll switch targets.
They will always want to attack and persecute Jews, no
matter where they are. As happened in Europe and other
places, wherever Jews lived. It's the reason some of
them decided to return to their land in the late 1800s
and start buying up large tracts of land, and to start
irrigating the desolate land and turn it into the lush
land of productive farmland that feeds much of the Middle
East -- not to mention all the other benefits to the
world that Israel has produced since 1948 (such as many
medical advancements that have benefited humanity).

And for that, they are hated and under constant attack
from the evil monsters of the world.
2024-06-17 19:42:30 UTC
Post by Steven Douglas
Post by JTEM
NED has decided that Israel is a mistake and has every
intention of "Correcting" that mistake.
It's not going to work, of course.
That's right. The Bible says once
I honestly don't care. I'm not a bible thumper and even
if I want to assume the view that it's 100% unambiguous
and accurate that still leaves us.

An accurate interpretation of the bible, assuming you
were making one, would NOT mean that we're on God's
side. We could be just the latest version of all the
countless other "Deceived" believers who bought into
a lie...

That's the difference between me and what you portray
yourself to be: You claim you read the truth in a
book, I claim to have seen it playing out in front of
Post by Steven Douglas
Post by JTEM
The middle east was never peaceful, and as we learned
from Morocco and Egypt, they are never going to stop
the terrorism. The destruction of Israel simply means
that they'll switch targets.
They will always want to attack and persecute Jews
They want to attack and persecute EVERYONE.

They stretched from a corner of Saudi Arabia, into
the Levant, across North Africa and up into Spain,
and it wasn't fighting Jews. On the other side they
invaded north into all the "Stans" and what is today
Turkey, into eastern Europe and were only stopped at
the gates of Vienna Austria.

Again, nothing about Jews...

Islam spread because if you converted you couldn't
be a slave and didn't have to pay the taxes and did
qualify for official positions, PLUS you got to kill,
rob, rape & enslave the non believers.

Islam literally appealed to THE WORST of human traits.
That's how it managed to spread: "Become a Muslim,
join the conquest and you can murder, rob, rape &
enslave to your heart's content.
Steven Douglas
2024-06-17 23:51:16 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by Steven Douglas
Post by JTEM
NED has decided that Israel is a mistake and has every
intention of "Correcting" that mistake.
It's not going to work, of course.
That's right. The Bible says once
I honestly don't care.
I was just saying that the Bible agrees with you when
you wrote, "It's not going to work, of course," about
the media and the globalists (but I repeat myself) who
would be happy to see Israel destroyed.
Post by JTEM
I'm not a bible thumper
I know, but it is interesting to me that you and the
Bible agree that your NED will not succeed in getting
Israel destroyed.
Post by JTEM
and even
if I want to assume the view that it's 100% unambiguous
and accurate that still leaves us.
The Bible actually says exactly what is going to happen,
and since the Bible's prophetic record is 100% accurate,
I believe the prophectic outcomes that are still in the
future will happen just as the Bible predicts they will
Post by JTEM
An accurate interpretation of the bible, assuming you
were making one, would NOT mean that we're on God's
side. We could be just the latest version of all the
countless other "Deceived" believers who bought into
a lie...
The Bible hasn't lied so far, so why would it start now?
Everything the Bible has prophesied has either taken
place already, or (in some cases) is still yet to come.
Post by JTEM
That's the difference between me and what you portray
yourself to be: You claim you read the truth in a
book, I claim to have seen it playing out in front of
Both are happening right now. And the Bible is not just
a "book" -- there is no other book like it. It remains
the best selling book in the history of the world. It
has multiple authors from across several centuries, and
the words of all those authors fit with every other
author's words -- even though there is no way they all
could have known each other to coordinate their efforts.

No, there's just too much evidence for the Bible being
the true Word of God to just dismiss it -- especially
when you look at the powerful positive ffect the Bible
has had on humanity, and how tragic it is for nations
that rejected the Bible -- just look at the societies
that were created in nations that rejected the Bible,
with tyranny and third-world poverty. Although when we
look at what's happening in our own country latey, is
it any wonder that our own society has rejected the
Post by JTEM
Post by Steven Douglas
Post by JTEM
The middle east was never peaceful, and as we learned
from Morocco and Egypt, they are never going to stop
the terrorism. The destruction of Israel simply means
that they'll switch targets.
They will always want to attack and persecute Jews
They want to attack and persecute EVERYONE.
True, they call anyone who isn't Muslim an infidel.
And infidels must either convert or die (it says that
in the Koran).
Post by JTEM
They stretched from a corner of Saudi Arabia, into
the Levant, across North Africa and up into Spain,
and it wasn't fighting Jews. On the other side they
invaded north into all the "Stans" and what is today
Turkey, into eastern Europe and were only stopped at
the gates of Vienna Austria.
Again, nothing about Jews...
The Koran does teach that Muslims must not be friends
with Jews or Christians. Jesus taught his followers to
love their enemies, while the Koran teaches its people
to not be friends with Jews or Christians.
Post by JTEM
Islam spread because if you converted you couldn't
be a slave and didn't have to pay the taxes and did
qualify for official positions, PLUS you got to kill,
rob, rape & enslave the non believers.
Islam literally appealed to THE WORST of human traits.
That's how it managed to spread: "Become a Muslim,
join the conquest and you can murder, rob, rape &
enslave to your heart's content.
Plus, they get the added bonus that if they die while
killing as many infidels as they can, they will have
seventy (70) virgins waiting for them in paradise.
