Worldly people are working on their explanation for one End Times phenomenon
(too old to reply)
Steven Douglas
2024-06-13 03:46:57 UTC
The Bible gives some very strong indications that when the
"end of the age" (a term mentioned in Matthew 24) happens,
believers in Christ will be taken out of the world in what
is known as "The Rapture", while the rest of the world's
population will be left behind. That's when the Antichrist
will come to power.

As the Antichrist assumes his position of leadership, he is
going to need an explanation for what happened to all the
people who have suddenly disappeared. One explanation that
they seem to be preparing in advance is that UFOs took all
those people away.

But in order for that explanation to be believed by those
who remain in the world, the worldly leadership is already
starting to legitimize the possible existence of beings who
are not of this world, but are now in this world.

Years ago it was considered nutty to believe that UFOs could
be real, but now the world is on a mission to make the world
believe that UFOs could actually be real.

Here is the latest example of the world legitimizing UFOs,
in a paper written by a couple of Harvard research scientists,
along with another researcher from the University of Montana.

Headline: "The cryptoterrestrial hypothesis: A case for
scientific openness to a concealed earthly explanation
for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena"

[excerpt] Recent years have seen increasing public
attention and indeed concern regarding Unidentified
Anomalous Phenomena (UAP).

Hypotheses for such phenomena tend to fall into two
classes: a conventional terrestrial explanation (e.g.,
human-made technology), or an extraterrestrial
explanation (i.e., advanced civilizations from
elsewhere in the cosmos).

However, there is also a third minority class of
hypothesis: an unconventional terrestrial explanation,
outside the prevailing consensus view of the universe.

This is the ultraterrestrial hypothesis, which includes
as a subset the "cryptoterrestrial" hypothesis, namely
the notion that UAP may reflect activities of intelligent
beings concealed in stealth here on Earth [end excerpt]

2024-06-13 04:54:19 UTC
Post by Steven Douglas
The Bible gives some very strong indications that when the
"end of the age" (a term mentioned in Matthew 24) happens,
believers in Christ will be taken out of the world in what
is known as "The Rapture", while the rest of the world's
population will be left behind. That's when the Antichrist
will come to power.
"God is not the God of the dead, but of the living."

Bible writers are obsessed with death. You know, Protestants.
Post by Steven Douglas
As the Antichrist assumes his position of leadership, he is
going to need an explanation for what happened to all the
people who have suddenly disappeared. One explanation that
they seem to be preparing in advance is that UFOs took all
those people away.
I dunno. How about "They weren't vaxxed?"

Seriously. Given the depths that our society has fallen to,
and the contempt that the establishment has for us, why would
they even bother? They'd just kill us and not say anything,
and if people asked questions they'd be denounced as MAGA
conspiracy kooks. And racists.
Post by Steven Douglas
Years ago it was considered nutty to believe that UFOs could
be real, but now the world is on a mission to make the world
believe that UFOs could actually be real.
It's a great experiment, revealing bias confirmation. The people
who said for years that the government is comprised of liars
now says that the government is the source of truth BECAUSE it
is saying what they want to hear.
Post by Steven Douglas
Headline: "The cryptoterrestrial hypothesis: A case for
scientific openness to a concealed earthly explanation
for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena"
I speculated a lot about this. Possible non-evil motives
include, but are probably not limited to...

#1. Concealing U.S. government activity. The government
concocted the "UFO" thing as cover for secret operations and

#2. Concealing knowledge of the activities of foreign
governments. We don't want China, say, to know that we know
what they're up to.

#3. Distraction. Push other "News" out of the public

#4. Prep. You know how they use a backfire to stop a wild
fire from spreading? Well. What if there's scientific
confirmation of life on Mars? What if SETI detects and admits
to an alien signal?

What if the James Webb Space Telescope detects biosignatures
or even technosignatures on another planet?

I'm guessing #4 is HUGE!

Why? Because it's no longer down to Russia and the U.S.

The EU is in play. India is in play. China is in play. We
lost control over the narrative. Some other country or even
an organization might collect evidence we missed or, more
likely, collect evidence we've been sitting on!

Maybe we have tons of evidence but no hard facts...

Anyway, there is a segment of the earth's population, however
small you want to claim, that would freak at even alien
bacteria. And we no longer control the knowledge, the release
of information. One solution is a backfire, of sorts:

Tell the people UFOs are buzzing us, then when India or China
splash the news of microbial life it seems... lame.

So I think that's the most likely reason behind the surge of
UFO claims, from the government.
Steven Douglas
2024-06-14 19:59:44 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by Steven Douglas
The Bible gives some very strong indications that when the
"end of the age" (a term mentioned in Matthew 24) happens,
believers in Christ will be taken out of the world in what
is known as "The Rapture", while the rest of the world's
population will be left behind. That's when the Antichrist
will come to power.
"God is not the God of the dead, but of the living."
Bible writers are obsessed with death.
I think you're confusing the Bible with the Koran. The
Bible proclaims life and hates death.

[quoting] "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and
before you were born I consecrated you" Jeremiah 1:5

It's actually the secular world that loves abortion that
is the death cult.

[quoting] "I call heaven and earth to witness against
you today, that I have set before you life and death,
blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you
and your offspring may live" [end quote] Deuteronomy 30:19

The Bible tells us to choose life. There are many more
examples I could provide if you're interested.
2024-06-15 03:37:06 UTC
Post by Steven Douglas
Post by JTEM
Post by Steven Douglas
The Bible gives some very strong indications that when the
"end of the age" (a term mentioned in Matthew 24) happens,
believers in Christ will be taken out of the world in what
is known as "The Rapture", while the rest of the world's
population will be left behind. That's when the Antichrist
will come to power.
The Steven alter obsesses over some "End Times," once again...
Post by Steven Douglas
Post by JTEM
"God is not the God of the dead, but of the living."
Bible writers are obsessed with death.
I think you're confusing the Bible with the Koran. The
Bible proclaims life and hates death.
I'm observing the fundy obsession with the so called end
Steven Douglas
2024-06-15 19:25:55 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by Steven Douglas
Post by JTEM
Post by Steven Douglas
The Bible gives some very strong indications that when the
"end of the age" (a term mentioned in Matthew 24) happens,
believers in Christ will be taken out of the world in what
is known as "The Rapture", while the rest of the world's
population will be left behind. That's when the Antichrist
will come to power.
The Steven alter obsesses over some "End Times," once again...
If you mean I believe Bible prophecies, you are correct.
But it's not the fault of believers in God that the world
is in such chaos. It's the fault of nonbelievers, which
should be very obvious. It's the secular world that is
the death cult, not believers.
Post by JTEM
Post by Steven Douglas
Post by JTEM
"God is not the God of the dead, but of the living."
To put that in context, believers and followers of Jesus
will live for eternity. Unfortunately, those who reject
Jesus will not -- as is spelled out quite clearly in
John 3:16.
Post by JTEM
Post by Steven Douglas
Post by JTEM
Bible writers are obsessed with death.
I think you're confusing the Bible with the Koran. The
Bible proclaims life and hates death.
I'm observing the fundy obsession with the so called end
Only a "fundy" can believe in the prophecies of the Bible?
Are you telling me that Catholics don't believe the Bible?
2024-06-16 05:09:04 UTC
Post by Steven Douglas
If you mean I believe Bible prophecies, you are correct.
Protestants, fundies to be specific, worship death. They
pray for some end times, declare themselves "Saved" and
"Born Again" so they can joyously watch the rest of us
suffer & die while they fly off to Heaven.
Post by Steven Douglas
But it's not the fault of believers in God that the world
is in such chaos. It's the fault of nonbelievers, which
should be very obvious. It's the secular world that is
the death cult, not believers.
Are you quoting Reverend Jim Jones again?

The point of course is that if you cross out "Bible" and
write "Koran" all the 911 hijackers would have agreed
with you. All religious fanatics would agree with you,
with the understanding that it's their beliefs which are
the truth and the non-believers in their brand of
religion are the problem.

No exceptions.
Steven Douglas
2024-06-16 05:31:06 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by Steven Douglas
If you mean I believe Bible prophecies, you are correct.
Protestants, fundies to be specific, worship death.
I don't worship death. I believe the Bible, which tells
us to choose life. The quote from Jesus that you posted
says, "God is not the God of the dead, but of the living."
As I mentioned, John 3:16 explains it.
Post by JTEM
They pray for some end times,
No, we pray for peace. The Bible prophesies what is going
to happen to this deranged world at the end of the age (as
described by Jesus in Matthew 24, and elsewhere in the Bible.
Post by JTEM
declare themselves "Saved" and "Born Again"
It's what the Bible says about believers and followers
of Jesus.
Post by JTEM
so they can joyously watch the rest of us
suffer & die while they fly off to Heaven.
Who said we're going to be joyous about that? It's
actually just the opposite of that. It's such a
shame that you have chosen to misportray us this
Post by JTEM
Post by Steven Douglas
But it's not the fault of believers in God that the world
is in such chaos. It's the fault of nonbelievers, which
should be very obvious. It's the secular world that is
the death cult, not believers.
Are you quoting Reverend Jim Jones again?
I have never quoted Jim Jones, Can you show me in the
Bible where there is a teaching that calls for ANYONE
to do what those people did under the leadership of
that FALSE teacher?
Post by JTEM
The point of course is that if you cross out "Bible" and
write "Koran" all the 911 hijackers would have agreed
with you.
There is nothing in the Bible that calls for ANYONE to
do what those maniacs did on 9/11. But there are things
in the Koran that call for followers of Allah to do what
they did. Your false comparison of the Bible to the Koran
falls flat. You made it up.
Post by JTEM
All religious fanatics would agree with you,
with the understanding that it's their beliefs which are
the truth and the non-believers in their brand of
religion are the problem.
Nonbelievers such as what they did to the Soviet Union
when they removed all religion and turned that place
into a cesspool of murder and mayhem?
Post by JTEM
No exceptions.
I wonder why you care so much what the Bible says? Why
do you care if I believe it to be the true Word of God
(which it is, as it has proven itself to be accurate
with all the prophecies it correctly predicted in
advance, with more still to come)? Why do you care?
2024-06-17 18:58:48 UTC
Post by Steven Douglas
Post by JTEM
Post by Steven Douglas
If you mean I believe Bible prophecies, you are correct.
Protestants, fundies to be specific, worship death.
I don't worship death. I believe the Bible, which tells
us to choose life. The quote from Jesus that you posted
says, "God is not the God of the dead, but of the living."
As I mentioned, John 3:16 explains it.
Post by JTEM
They pray for some end times,
No, we pray for peace. The Bible prophesies what is going
to happen to this deranged world at the end of the age (as
described by Jesus in Matthew 24, and elsewhere in the Bible.
Post by JTEM
declare themselves "Saved" and "Born Again"
It's what the Bible says about believers and followers
of Jesus.
Post by JTEM
so they can joyously watch the rest of us
suffer & die while they fly off to Heaven.
Who said we're going to be joyous about that? It's
actually just the opposite of that. It's such a
shame that you have chosen to misportray us this
Post by JTEM
Post by Steven Douglas
But it's not the fault of believers in God that the world
is in such chaos. It's the fault of nonbelievers, which
should be very obvious. It's the secular world that is
the death cult, not believers.
Are you quoting Reverend Jim Jones again?
I have never quoted Jim Jones, Can you show me in the
Bible where there is a teaching that calls for ANYONE
to do what those people did under the leadership of
that FALSE teacher?
Post by JTEM
The point of course is that if you cross out "Bible" and
write "Koran" all the 911 hijackers would have agreed
with you.
There is nothing in the Bible that calls for ANYONE to
do what those maniacs did on 9/11. But there are things
in the Koran that call for followers of Allah to do what
they did. Your false comparison of the Bible to the Koran
falls flat. You made it up.
Post by JTEM
All religious fanatics would agree with you,
with the understanding that it's their beliefs which are
the truth and the non-believers in their brand of
religion are the problem.
Nonbelievers such as what they did to the Soviet Union
when they removed all religion and turned that place
into a cesspool of murder and mayhem?
Post by JTEM
No exceptions.
I wonder why you care so much what the Bible says? Why
do you care if I believe it to be the true Word of God
(which it is, as it has proven itself to be accurate
with all the prophecies it correctly predicted in
advance, with more still to come)? Why do you care?
It makes more rational sense that religion is here to
make people like yourself something so important that you
and they are rewarded with god-ship's eternalness.
That is, rewarded only if certain edicts are faithfully
Have you ever wondered what it'd be like to never die?
Trillions of earth years of eternity.
Is there any need for food, sleep, medical care, the internet,
anything we know to be our reality while alive?
Apparently not, so it'd be one helluva' cheap-ass existence
would it not? Oh, wait.
Will there be any need for money or material things? God
really didn't share much in details of an eternal perfect
Was it deliberate or accidental? God works in mysterious ways.
Steven Douglas
2024-06-18 00:25:53 UTC
Post by DocUFO
It makes more rational sense that religion is here to
make people like yourself something so important that you
and they are rewarded with god-ship's eternalness.
That is, rewarded only if certain edicts are faithfully
John 3:16 explains the edict that is necessary, Doc.
Post by DocUFO
Have you ever wondered what it'd be like to never die?
In this world, with EVIL running rampant and misguided
people such as you supporting EVIL? No thanks, I have
no desire to live in this world for eternity.
Post by DocUFO
Trillions of earth years of eternity.
No way.
Post by DocUFO
Is there any need for food, sleep, medical care, the internet,
anything we know to be our reality while alive?
Apparently not, so it'd be one helluva' cheap-ass existence
would it not? Oh, wait.
Will there be any need for money or material things? God
really didn't share much in details of an eternal perfect
Was it deliberate or accidental?
There are some clues in the Bible. We are not going to
sitting on a cloud strumming a harp. There is scripture
that says we will stand before Jesus and be judged for
what we have done in this life. Of course those of us
who have accepted Jesus into our hearts and repented
for our sins, are forgiven.

[quoting the Bible] "For we must all appear before the
judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the
things done in the body, according to what he has done,
whether good or bad." [end quote] 2 Corinthians 5:10

The Bible is self-clarifying, and another scripture puts
the verse above into proper context, as Jesus tells us:

[quoting Jesus] "'And behold, I am coming quickly, and
My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to
his work.'" [end quote] Revelaion 22:12

For those who make it into Heaven (believers in Jesus,
as John 3:16 specifies), Jesus will lavish rewards on
some and probably some lesser rewards for others. As
for me, I'll just be happy to be there, and whatever
rewards I may or may not get will just be a bonus.
Post by DocUFO
God works in mysterious ways.
Yes, there are a lot of mysteries for which we won't
have the full answers until (or if, depending on how
one believes) we get there.
2024-06-18 02:06:01 UTC
Post by Steven Douglas
Post by DocUFO
It makes more rational sense that religion is here to
make people like yourself something so important that you
and they are rewarded with god-ship's eternalness.
That is, rewarded only if certain edicts are faithfully
John 3:16 explains the edict that is necessary, Doc.
Post by DocUFO
Have you ever wondered what it'd be like to never die?
In this world, with EVIL running rampant and misguided
people such as you supporting EVIL? No thanks, I have
no desire to live in this world for eternity.
Post by DocUFO
Trillions of earth years of eternity.
No way.
Post by DocUFO
Is there any need for food, sleep, medical care, the internet,
anything we know to be our reality while alive?
Apparently not, so it'd be one helluva' cheap-ass existence
would it not? Oh, wait.
Will there be any need for money or material things? God
really didn't share much in details of an eternal perfect
Was it deliberate or accidental?
There are some clues in the Bible. We are not going to
sitting on a cloud strumming a harp. There is scripture
that says we will stand before Jesus and be judged for
what we have done in this life. Of course those of us
who have accepted Jesus into our hearts and repented
for our sins, are forgiven.
[quoting the Bible] "For we must all appear before the
judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the
things done in the body, according to what he has done,
whether good or bad." [end quote] 2 Corinthians 5:10
The Bible is self-clarifying, and another scripture puts
[quoting Jesus] "'And behold, I am coming quickly, and
My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to
his work.'" [end quote] Revelaion 22:12
For those who make it into Heaven (believers in Jesus,
as John 3:16 specifies), Jesus will lavish rewards on
some and probably some lesser rewards for others. As
for me, I'll just be happy to be there, and whatever
rewards I may or may not get will just be a bonus.
Post by DocUFO
God works in mysterious ways.
Yes, there are a lot of mysteries for which we won't
have the full answers until (or if, depending on how
one believes) we get there.
The eternalness that I refer to is entirely the realm
that supposedly exists beyond this earthly state.

No details of what "life" will be after "death" - which
the latter is of no real concern with fervent believers.
They usually say they're not concerned with death because
it's merely a doorway to another world where everything
that's negative about our behavior evaporates into bliss.

All the evil of humanity finally comes to an end but only
after our existence on Earth comes to an end.

Debate about what state of "perfection" we'll experience
under Jesus's watch for 1000 golden years - after the
many horrors of the Apocalypse - continues among scholars
obviously deprived of any details, as well.

The lion will lie down with the lamb. Can Trumpers lie
down with the rest of America ideologically opposed and

Stay tuned because, really, we have only the choice of
living through it, killing ourselves (which may, believers
say, would not necessarily be any relief from evils) or
going so very bonkers reality is bent to our extreme

And then it's unnaturally expected the opposition will
somehow accommodate spoiled Americans totally obsessed
with ignoring their wrongdoing and themselves while
judging others for theirs. It works wonders for a big
pile of fanatics that regards hypocrisy, lying and lawbreaking
as something unavoidable and therefore acceptable, especially
if it's for a grand cause like Donnie offers.

"Make America Great Again" (MAGA) has now been firmly embedded
in our nation's dark history (ongoing) as a reflection on old
slogans, now being discarded, like "United we stand, divided we
fall." Today, that'd be modified to "Divided we stand, united
we fall."

And the latter state of mindset, is where we're at with
you, Donald, his personality cult and his foolish fawners
in the GOP.

A dark historical drama that portends the fall of our
democracy into the greedy exploitative hands of capitalists.
Of bullies, bastards and bitches consumed with satisfying
themselves at any cost. And, incredulously, many appear to
not be aware they're putting the nails into our nation's
coffin with support for badly corrupted leaders like DJT.

Even the end of our civilization is an option to get their
way. Yet, somehow even the absence of their cell phones is
too terrifying to contemplate while they wait for apocalyptic
madness and mayhem. And deliverance from everything morally
and behaviorally objectionable.

It should be one helluva' ride down into Hell. Human hell,
that is, sans the devils and Satan which help relieve our
responsibility for rotten behaviors.

Steven Douglas
2024-06-18 23:08:24 UTC
Post by DocUFO
Post by Steven Douglas
Post by DocUFO
It makes more rational sense that religion is here to
make people like yourself something so important that you
and they are rewarded with god-ship's eternalness.
That is, rewarded only if certain edicts are faithfully
John 3:16 explains the edict that is necessary, Doc.
Post by DocUFO
Have you ever wondered what it'd be like to never die?
In this world, with EVIL running rampant and misguided
people such as you supporting EVIL? No thanks, I have
no desire to live in this world for eternity.
Post by DocUFO
Trillions of earth years of eternity.
No way.
Post by DocUFO
Is there any need for food, sleep, medical care, the internet,
anything we know to be our reality while alive?
Apparently not, so it'd be one helluva' cheap-ass existence
would it not? Oh, wait.
Will there be any need for money or material things? God
really didn't share much in details of an eternal perfect
Was it deliberate or accidental?
There are some clues in the Bible. We are not going to
sitting on a cloud strumming a harp. There is scripture
that says we will stand before Jesus and be judged for
what we have done in this life. Of course those of us
who have accepted Jesus into our hearts and repented
for our sins, are forgiven.
[quoting the Bible] "For we must all appear before the
judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the
things done in the body, according to what he has done,
whether good or bad." [end quote] 2 Corinthians 5:10
The Bible is self-clarifying, and another scripture puts
[quoting Jesus] "'And behold, I am coming quickly, and
My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to
his work.'" [end quote] Revelaion 22:12
For those who make it into Heaven (believers in Jesus,
as John 3:16 specifies), Jesus will lavish rewards on
some and probably some lesser rewards for others. As
for me, I'll just be happy to be there, and whatever
rewards I may or may not get will just be a bonus.
Post by DocUFO
God works in mysterious ways.
Yes, there are a lot of mysteries for which we won't
have the full answers until (or if, depending on how
one believes) we get there.
The eternalness that I refer to is entirely the realm
that supposedly exists beyond this earthly state.
No details of what "life" will be after "death" - which
the latter is of no real concern with fervent believers.
They usually say they're not concerned with death because
it's merely a doorway to another world where everything
that's negative about our behavior evaporates into bliss.
All the evil of humanity finally comes to an end but only
after our existence on Earth comes to an end.
Debate about what state of "perfection" we'll experience
under Jesus's watch for 1000 golden years - after the
many horrors of the Apocalypse - continues among scholars
obviously deprived of any details, as well.
We know that Satan will be taken away and Jesus will reign
over the world. The wolf and the lamb will graze together
and the lion will eat straw like the ox. With Satan gone,
the world will be peaceful. See Isaiah 65:25
Post by DocUFO
The lion will lie down with the lamb. Can Trumpers lie
down with the rest of America ideologically opposed and
Actually, I'm wondering if radical leftists suffering from
the same kind of TDS that you have will be able to lie down
with the many MILLIONS of us who will be voting for Trump,
or if you and your radical leftist friends would rather
burn down the country the way they tried in the summer of
2020, and at other times?
Post by DocUFO
Stay tuned because, really, we have only the choice of
living through it, killing ourselves (which may, believers
say, would not necessarily be any relief from evils) or
going so very bonkers reality is bent to our extreme
You STILL haven't given me any positive reason to vote
for Biden (or any Democrat, for that matter). The people
you vote for are destroying our country before our very
eyes, and yet you are so far gone with your TDS that you
STILL think I shouldn't vote for Trump. Just absolutely
Post by DocUFO
And then it's unnaturally expected the opposition will
somehow accommodate spoiled Americans totally obsessed
with ignoring their wrongdoing and themselves while
judging others for theirs.
You started (falsely) judging me with the very first
post you ever addressed to me.
Post by DocUFO
It works wonders for a big
pile of fanatics that regards hypocrisy, lying
Oh, the irony.
Post by DocUFO
and lawbreaking
The Biden Crime Family have committed so many crimes,
it's amazing that you still support them. But then I'm
sure you have no idea of the many crimes they have
committed. We could start with Biden's ILLEGAL taking
of classified documents (from the time he was a Senator,
when the only way he could have taken them was to sneak
them out of a Senate SCIF, and also as VP, when he had
no authority to declassify documents the way Trump did),
and the special prosecutor in Biden's case said Biden
committed crimes, but they chose not to prosecute
because Biden is so old and feeble.

That's it, I'm done with this post, I can only take
so much of your BS in one sitting without getting a
gigantic headache.
