Cancellation for excessive crossposting on "fr" hierarchy
(too old to reply)
2024-06-26 21:22:22 UTC
Since 2021, there has been an FAQ on legitimate cancellations for the
"fr" hierarchy. Its rules are sometimes different from those for big8
or other hierarchies.
Normally, there's no problem with this, as each hierarchy can define
its own rules of operation.
However, we currently have point 5 entitled "Cancellation for excessive
crossposting", which may have repercussions on other hierarchies.
- crossposts in at least three (3) groups without follow-up ;
- articles with a follow-up in at least three (3) groups;
- crossposts in at least two different hierarchies (one group in
group in fr.* and another outside fr.*) without follow-up ;
- articles with follow-up to at least two different
hierarchies (one group in fr.* and one outside fr.*).
would be voidable as posted on 3 groups without any follow-up.
In other words, the "fr" hierarchy would impose its policy of
to all usenet !
- do the current deletions via a cancel message seem legitimate to you?
- would server administrators like to have spam-fr nocems for rules
specific to the "fr" hierarchy?
- other(s)?
Thanks to the "fr" trolls for letting users of other hierarchies
and internationals news server administrators respond.
cross-posting really should be eliminated altogether, mainly because
spammers/trolls have commonly used x-posting in addition to flooding
popular newsgroups en masse to maximize their combined and ceaseless
attempts to disrupt unmoderated usenet newsgroups till the cows come
home . . . throttling servers that allow posting should be universal
2024-06-26 21:30:39 UTC
Post by D
cross-posting really should be eliminated altogether
I agree. But you're spamming the wrong audience here.