Here's the Steven's Bias Confirmation
(too old to reply)
2024-06-12 05:13:42 UTC

I keep telling you:

Enemy #1 is the media.

They do NOT have a constitutional right to lie, and
never did. Lies are not, were not and never will be
"Constitutionally protected free speech."

Japan never came close to destroying our society,
burning what is left of our democracy, and yet we
fire bombed their cities before finally nuking them.


What should we stop at to end the 24/7 propaganda
machine that is our media?

Nothing. Nothing at all.
Steven Douglas
2024-06-12 06:44:27 UTC
Post by JTEM
Enemy #1 is the media.
They do NOT have a constitutional right to lie, and
never did. Lies are not, were not and never will be
"Constitutionally protected free speech."
They lied about "Trump/Russia collusion" in 2016. They
lied about Hunter Biden's laptop in 2020, referring to
it as "Russian disinformation", despite the fact that
the FBI knew it was real and ordered the media to lie
about it.

Now that laptop has been used in a court trial by the
same government that previously ordered the media to
tell their ignorant audiences that Hunter's laptop
wasn't really Hunter's at all.
Post by JTEM
Japan never came close to destroying our society,
burning what is left of our democracy, and yet we
fire bombed their cities before finally nuking them.
What should we stop at to end the 24/7 propaganda
machine that is our media?
Nothing. Nothing at all.
They just need to be exposed, so all the ignoramuses
in their audiences will become aware of the truth.
Somehow the LIARS have convinced many Americans that
Fox News is the fake news, when Fox News is the only
one (of the major media) that got it right in terms
of the fake hoax "Trump/Russia collusion" that EVERY
other LYING media outlet got wrong.

Same with Hunter's laptop. Fox News got it right, and
the media that all the ignoramuses watch LIED about
it in order to make sure Biden would win that corrupt
election in 2020.
2024-06-12 18:43:05 UTC
Post by Steven Douglas
Post by JTEM
Enemy #1 is the media.
They do NOT have a constitutional right to lie, and
never did. Lies are not, were not and never will be
"Constitutionally protected free speech."
They lied about "Trump/Russia collusion" in 2016.
That's only when you noticed, not when it started. So,
again, it's tearing the country apart. There can't be
any democracy when the information people use to make
their decisions is ALWAYS a carefully sculpted narrative
and NEVER just plain "News."

So stop that. Whatever it takes. Whatever it takes. Empty
banana clips into the board rooms of all the major media
corporations, including social media. I don't care. It's
NOT "Going to far." We fire bombed whole cities over far
less of a threat... when there was actually ZERO threat
to our democracy we STILL fire bombed babies. Like when
Germany refused to surrender, or when Japan refused to
surrender... or north Vietnam used Laos as a staging area...
Post by Steven Douglas
Post by JTEM
Japan never came close to destroying our society,
burning what is left of our democracy, and yet we
fire bombed their cities before finally nuking them.
What should we stop at to end the 24/7 propaganda
machine that is our media?
Nothing. Nothing at all.
They just need to be exposed
If they raped a girl, or even a grown woman you'd want
to see them hanged. They raped democracy -- a nation
of some 330,000,000 or more people.
2024-06-13 00:33:27 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by Steven Douglas
Post by JTEM
Enemy #1 is the media.
They do NOT have a constitutional right to lie, and
never did. Lies are not, were not and never will be
"Constitutionally protected free speech."
They lied about "Trump/Russia collusion" in 2016.
That's only when you noticed, not when it started. So,
again, it's tearing the country apart. There can't be
any democracy when the information people use to make
their decisions is ALWAYS a carefully sculpted narrative
and NEVER just plain "News."
So stop that. Whatever it takes. Whatever it takes. Empty
banana clips into the board rooms of all the major media
corporations, including social media. I don't care. It's
NOT "Going to far." We fire bombed whole cities over far
less of a threat... when there was actually ZERO threat
to our democracy we STILL fire bombed babies. Like when
Germany refused to surrender, or when Japan refused to
surrender... or north Vietnam used Laos as a staging area...
Post by Steven Douglas
Post by JTEM
Japan never came close to destroying our society,
burning what is left of our democracy, and yet we
fire bombed their cities before finally nuking them.
What should we stop at to end the 24/7 propaganda
machine that is our media?
Nothing. Nothing at all.
They just need to be exposed
If they raped a girl, or even a grown woman you'd want
to see them hanged. They raped democracy -- a nation
of some 330,000,000 or more people.
What do you think is possibly sane about killing scores of
Gaza civilians in an IDF "rescue" operation that netted
four kidnapped Israelis?

Insanity is us. The human species. Yet, when anyone uses our
horridly brutal, mad and murderous history as evidence
that we shouldn't be upset at the same, lesser or even greater
atrocities now, it's also an exercise in insanity if not
stupidity and immorality.

I hear or read "comparative evil rationales" in the defense
of Donald. It seems certain that MAGAnites use this distracting
mechanism in demonizing Biden and his family. They "rationalize"
that - since the Biden's have criminality in their family -
they're hypocritical critics. And, somehow, that means Donnie
and his henchmen should be left alone. It defies any reality or
logic but Trumpers feel better about dirty Donnie when negativity
about the Biden's family is in the headlines.

LOL! Yet, their spacey seditious Donnie is not only a career
business fraudster in numerous civil courts' decisions but now
a multiple felon convicted on 34 counts of business fraud.

Holy guacamole!! Can we keep sinking into the abyss while
playing comparative evil games? The nation's turning into a
monstrously immoral madhouse!!!

Sheesh! Oy vey! Fuckin' nuts!

Steven Douglas
2024-06-13 02:16:45 UTC
Post by DocUFO
What do you think is possibly sane about killing scores of
Gaza civilians in an IDF "rescue" operation that netted
four kidnapped Israelis?
Why do you support kidnapping? Are you not aware that
kidnapping is a crime? And criminals are taking a chance
that they might be killed when the good guys try to
rescue the kidnapped hostages? Why are you so morally
confused, Doc?
2024-06-13 03:21:38 UTC
Post by DocUFO
What do you think is possibly sane about killing scores of
Gaza civilians in an IDF "rescue" operation that netted
four kidnapped Israelis?
Who had something to gain from the raid; the Israelis or Hamas?

Not the Palestinians. They had nothing to gain. Their lives
were on the line, they were the price to be paid. So forget
about the Palestinian people and answer the question; between
Israel and Hamas, who had something to gain from the raid?

The answer is "Both."

Israel freed some of their people held captive, and Hamas got
dead civilians to use in their propaganda war.

Who are the bad guys here? Who were the ones with evil intent?


There's nothing evil about wanting to free your people from a
hostage situation.

But, PLACING HOSTAGES where you can assure the maximum number
of civilian casualties is pure evil.

Evil is in the motives.

Kill someone because they are trying to murder you: Not evil.

Kill someone because it brings you sexual gratification: Evil.

The act itself isn't the evil. The evil is in your heart, your
2024-06-13 20:33:25 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by DocUFO
What do you think is possibly sane about killing scores of
Gaza civilians in an IDF "rescue" operation that netted
four kidnapped Israelis?
Who had something to gain from the raid; the Israelis or Hamas?
Not the Palestinians. They had nothing to gain. Their lives
were on the line, they were the price to be paid. So forget
about the Palestinian people and answer the question; between
Israel and Hamas, who had something to gain from the raid?
The answer is "Both."
Israel freed some of their people held captive, and Hamas got
dead civilians to use in their propaganda war.
Who are the bad guys here? Who were the ones with evil intent?
There's nothing evil about wanting to free your people from a
hostage situation.
But, PLACING HOSTAGES where you can assure the maximum number
of civilian casualties is pure evil.
Evil is in the motives.
Kill someone because they are trying to murder you:  Not evil.
Kill someone because it brings you sexual gratification:  Evil.
The act itself isn't the evil. The evil is in your heart, your
What it all tragically means is that a Palestinian civilian's life
is almost worthless compared to an Israeli's life.

First of all, the earliest reports on this sad PR event came from
the IDF - and it was all so scarcely described: the hostages were
snatched away by chopper.

It was only a few hours later that the horror of it became clear:
Israeli soldiers had slaughtered scores of civilians (along with
Hamas soldiers) in what had to be an intense firefight.

A firefight that gained four of some 200 hostages still held.

Would you like to have our SWAT or paramilitary forces mow down
scores of American civilians in a major city getting at gangsters
or terrorists holding four citizens hostage?

Would you really think our nation's governmental forces had any moral
or social conscience? Any intelligence? Any maturity? Any sanity?

There would be, of course, a crying bleeding outrage from not only
the murdered victims' families but nearly everyone that had any
sense of humanistic sensitivity to such a heinous act of excessive
death and disability by the "rescuers."

What high price to pay for four hostages should we now say is
okay? Maybe a few dozen civilians murdered to retrieve one hostage?

I can't believe your mind is that mesmerized by Netanyahu. Have you
had wet dreams lately thinking of Bibi naked and bent over, grabbing
his knees, cooing, "Oh, Johnny boy, you wanna' piece of my Pharaoh
ass, you got it babe!"

"Ooooh, Bibi, you're so masterful and you turn me on every time you
order more Gazan civilians massacred to save one of God's Chosen!
Oooohhh, the Holy Land must be protected at ALL costs! Ohhh. I'm
cumming Bibi baby!"

You should be ashamed of your loss of understanding that Bibi is
a war criminal barely hanging onto power, servicing the most
fanatical rightists in Israel as well as catering to their many
allies' Judeo-Christian adherents' belief that Jews are more
valuable than Arabs, Judaism/Christianity more valuable than

It's so glaringly obvious every damn crazy day over there and
here. Craziness, that if one were a believer in biblical prophecy
they'd be all giddy and/or shaky over Netanyahu igniting a war
that's spreading out, connecting to another one of your bed-mates,
Putin, who's flexing his 3-inch penis jerking off on Ukrainian
civilians' deaths.

It's such a sick world and the USA is sinking into a moral and
social abyss. But since the Bible doesn't even mention our nation,
maybe we'll not be here to experience the Apocalypse's wonderful
blissful aftermath under Jesus.

Off we go into the wild blue (and black) yonder...

2024-06-13 23:53:27 UTC
Post by DocUFO
What it all tragically means is that a Palestinian civilian's life
is almost worthless compared to an Israeli's life.
According to Hamas, you're right. According to Hamas, better to
kill one Israeli than spare the lives of... what number did they
make up? They're claiming that they engineered the deaths of
over 30,000 civilians, are they not? Hamas is saying that? And
that they'll see all the rest die before they surrender?

If cease fires worked, said one self appointed pundit, the
middle east would be the most peaceful place on earth. And he
was right. A cease fire is a pause in the killing, and that
pause will end -- sooner rather than later. What we need, you
think, is peace.

What we actually need is STABILITY!

You can't feed, house, educate & provide the needs of over a
million people in an unstable environment where terrorists are
going to place bullseyes on civilians neighborhoods at random
intervals. You need stability.

There is never ever going to be any stability with Hamas.

There is never going to be peace with Hamas, there is never
going to be stability.
Post by DocUFO
A firefight that gained four of some 200 hostages still held.
Well worth it to both Israel and Hamas.

The critical piece here is Hamas. Without Hamas, there would
never have been any hostages, much less hostages held captive
amongst civilians.
Post by DocUFO
What high price to pay for four hostages
Yes I understand that the IDF lost an officer. That is a high

Hamas, for their part see it as too low of a price. Not enough
Palestinian civilians died for the ad copy.

I know we're at the point where a better government than the
one we've got would denounce the "Two state solution." Gaza
needs to be abolished. Either it's annexed by Egypt or Israel.
There is no longer any point in pretending that it can be
part of a greater Palestinian state or its own independent
Steven Douglas
2024-06-13 02:06:08 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by Steven Douglas
Post by JTEM
Enemy #1 is the media.
They do NOT have a constitutional right to lie, and
never did. Lies are not, were not and never will be
"Constitutionally protected free speech."
They lied about "Trump/Russia collusion" in 2016.
That's only when you noticed, not when it started.
It's one example, of many.
Post by JTEM
So, again, it's tearing the country apart.
That's their plan, and they're working their plan quite
effectively. The media are just the propaganda wing of
the DC War Machine (it's one big cabal, and they are
the people Eisenhower warned us about), and the DC War
Machine needs world conflicts to remain at high simmer,
just short of boiling over.

It's also why they want Israel to stop attacking Hamas,
to keep Hamas intact so it can continue to attack Israel
on a regular basis. The people who manufacture weapons of
war don't want that conflict to end, just as they don't
want a peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine.
2024-06-18 20:43:50 UTC
Post by JTEM
Enemy #1 is the media.'
YouTube does not tolerate dissension. The video has
been nuked.

"Go back to believing that we share only truth!"
Steven Douglas
2024-06-18 23:17:08 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by JTEM
Enemy #1 is the media.'
YouTube does not tolerate dissension. The video has
been nuked.
"Go back to believing that we share only truth!"
It's so bad right now that the LYING media are trying
to pass the LIE that any videos of Biden looking lost
or confused are "Cheap Fakes". That's the line they
are taking, led by Biden's press secretary, and with
the help of the LYING media, they will convince just
enough Americans to vote for Biden and get him elected
again -- based on the LIES they (the LYING media) tell
(just as they did in 2020).
2024-06-19 04:17:32 UTC
Post by Steven Douglas
It's so bad right now that the LYING media are trying
to pass the LIE that any videos of Biden looking lost
or confused are "Cheap Fakes".
They're counting on the fact that their base will never
so much as look at a NY Post headline, so they can cry
"Fake" and the LeftTards will believe them.

The Biden doppelganger theories are going viral, and
NED is edging on full blown panic mode here...

I actually believe it. He looks incredibly unnatural
in many photos and videos, not a wrinkle on his face
in some of the footage and sometimes he can barely
walk, never mind figure out which way to go, and
other times he moves effortlessly.

i very recently saw a photo of "king" chucky over in
england with his wife and something creeped me out:

She's older than him! And her neck was as smooth as
they come except for one horizontal line! The photo
was clearly a Deep Fake or a doppelganger. And there
were photos of William and his wife that are
acknowledged to be fakes. So it's not the least bit
unreasonable to assume that the same thing WE KNOW
FOR A FACT is happening in england can be happening

But NED pretends that it's the king of all unreasonable

With 60% of Democrats saying he's too old, and his
OFFENSIVE policies, it doesn't seem like it's possible
for Biden to fool enough people. They'll have to steal
the election again, and the MAGA crowd is ready and
waiting to pounce.
Steven Douglas
2024-06-21 16:52:30 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by Steven Douglas
It's so bad right now that the LYING media are trying
to pass the LIE that any videos of Biden looking lost
or confused are "Cheap Fakes".
They're counting on the fact that their base will never
so much as look at a NY Post headline,
But even if they do look at NY Post headline, they
won't believe it because the LYING media in this
country have LIED about the NY Post and convinced
their gullible base that the NY Post is a joke and
should never be taken seriously.
Post by JTEM
so they can cry
"Fake" and the LeftTards will believe them.
That's right. Doc is a perfect example of Biden's
easily manipulated voter base. Doc believes EVERY
single lie the LYiNG media have ever told him. They
keep him so thoroughly misinformed that it would be
almost funny if it weren't so tragic for our country.
Post by JTEM
The Biden doppelganger theories are going viral, and
NED is edging on full blown panic mode here...
I actually believe it. He looks incredibly unnatural
in many photos and videos, not a wrinkle on his face
in some of the footage and sometimes he can barely
walk, never mind figure out which way to go, and
other times he moves effortlessly.
i very recently saw a photo of "king" chucky over in
She's older than him! And her neck was as smooth as
they come except for one horizontal line! The photo
was clearly a Deep Fake or a doppelganger. And there
were photos of William and his wife that are
acknowledged to be fakes. So it's not the least bit
unreasonable to assume that the same thing WE KNOW
FOR A FACT is happening in england can be happening
But NED pretends that it's the king of all unreasonable
With 60% of Democrats saying he's too old, and his
OFFENSIVE policies, it doesn't seem like it's possible
for Biden to fool enough people. They'll have to steal
the election again, and the MAGA crowd is ready and
waiting to pounce.
Their only hope is to play on the TDS so many of their
gullibe base suffer from, and hope enough of them vote
against Trump so they can drag Biden across the finish
line. That should get them close enough that they can
create the winning margin by cheating the way they did
in 2020 -- and with the experience of 2020, they know
how to do it even better now it now, and with the help
of their LYING media, they will get away with it -- again.
