Terrorist leader admits that he's happy when his own civilians are killed
(too old to reply)
Steven Douglas
2024-06-13 02:25:10 UTC
For the morally confused ignoramuses among us, a Hamas
terrorist leader has admitted that it's part of their
sick and demented strategy to have their own civilians
killed, because they know the morally confused dummies
in the world will feel sorry for HIM and his sick and
demented terrorist friends.

What a shame that we live in a world where people are
so morally confused that they support the murder and
kidnapping of innocent Jews (and others, including
Christian Americans), and then blame the Israelis
for wanting to defend themselves from any further
attacks by the sick and twisted terrorists that our
own morally confused ignoramuses support.

Headline: "Hamas leader believes civilian deaths are
'necessary sacrifices' in Israeli war, leaked letters

[excerpt] The mastermind behind Hamass Oct 7 attacks on
Israel is stalling ceasefire talks and using the mounting
Palestinian death toll to his advantage, leaked messages
show. [end excerpt]


Will this news cause any of the morally confused ignoramuses
among us to change their minds, and demand that Hamas end
this war by accepting a ceasefire? Of course it won't, this
is all about hatred of Jews -- and the morally confused among
us will continue to hate Jews and blame Jews for all the
problems of the world. That's just how sick and twisted some
people are.
2024-06-13 03:29:37 UTC
Post by Steven Douglas
For the morally confused ignoramuses among us, a Hamas
terrorist leader has admitted that it's part of their
sick and demented strategy to have their own civilians
killed, because they know the morally confused dummies
in the world will feel sorry for HIM and his sick and
demented terrorist friends.
This has never been a secret. If the jackasses in the
Israeli government weren't such arrogant twats they'd
realize how important it is to expose this shit.

I get it: They care about their people and they hate
the indignity of placing their dead on display. But
only because their government is so fucking arrogant
that they can't image how anyone can question them or
their motives even without revealing the truth -- THE
Post by Steven Douglas
Headline: "Hamas leader believes civilian deaths are
'necessary sacrifices' in Israeli war, leaked letters
Never a secret.

Nobody sneezed and accidentally hid hostages in a
crowded refugee camp.
Post by Steven Douglas
[excerpt] The mastermind behind Hamass Oct 7 attacks on
Israel is stalling ceasefire talks and using the mounting
Palestinian death toll to his advantage, leaked messages
show. [end excerpt]
Nobody ever had to tell us.

They always have loved dead babies. Go on Tumblr and you can
find me condemning them for it 10 years ago!
Steven Douglas
2024-06-13 03:56:45 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by Steven Douglas
For the morally confused ignoramuses among us, a Hamas
terrorist leader has admitted that it's part of their
sick and demented strategy to have their own civilians
killed, because they know the morally confused dummies
in the world will feel sorry for HIM and his sick and
demented terrorist friends.
This has never been a secret. If the jackasses in the
Israeli government weren't such arrogant twats they'd
realize how important it is to expose this shit.
I get it: They care about their people and they hate
the indignity of placing their dead on display. But
only because their government is so fucking arrogant
that they can't image how anyone can question them or
their motives even without revealing the truth -- THE
Post by Steven Douglas
Headline: "Hamas leader believes civilian deaths are
'necessary sacrifices' in Israeli war, leaked letters
Never a secret.
Nobody sneezed and accidentally hid hostages in a
crowded refugee camp.
Post by Steven Douglas
[excerpt] The mastermind behind Hamass Oct 7 attacks on
Israel is stalling ceasefire talks and using the mounting
Palestinian death toll to his advantage, leaked messages
show. [end excerpt]
Nobody ever had to tell us.
They always have loved dead babies. Go on Tumblr and you can
find me condemning them for it 10 years ago!
I'm hoping Doc will see this and begin to understand that
he's been supporting the wrong side all this time. But I
have little hope that he will actually come to his senses,
he's so morally confused that I believe he's beyond hope.
2024-06-17 18:18:38 UTC
Post by Steven Douglas
For the morally confused ignoramuses among us, a Hamas
terrorist leader has admitted that it's part of their
sick and demented strategy to have their own civilians
killed, because they know the morally confused dummies
in the world will feel sorry for HIM and his sick and
demented terrorist friends.
What a shame that we live in a world where people are
so morally confused that they support the murder and
kidnapping of innocent Jews (and others, including
Christian Americans), and then blame the Israelis
for wanting to defend themselves from any further
attacks by the sick and twisted terrorists that our
own morally confused ignoramuses support.
Headline: "Hamas leader believes civilian deaths are
'necessary sacrifices' in Israeli war, leaked letters
[excerpt] The mastermind behind Hamass Oct 7 attacks on
Israel is stalling ceasefire talks and using the mounting
Palestinian death toll to his advantage, leaked messages
show. [end excerpt]
Will this news cause any of the morally confused ignoramuses
among us to change their minds, and demand that Hamas end
this war by accepting a ceasefire? Of course it won't, this
is all about hatred of Jews -- and the morally confused among
us will continue to hate Jews and blame Jews for all the
problems of the world. That's just how sick and twisted some
people are.
Netanyahu is a war criminal and a tyrant, beholden to Israel's
far-right, and barely hanging onto power. He now comes to the
US Congress to bleed his heart out for support for his massacre
of Palestinian civilians - and keeping the US/allied military aid
flowing in.
He will likely not politically survive his tyrannical, heinously
inhumane behavior, nor will his soulless dream of annihilating
Hamas that needs thousands of civilians' deaths and disabilities
for his victory ever make Israel more secure as he promises.
A victory that has no basis in historical reality nor in the
psychology of warring peoples in that region. A sickening slaughter
house Netanyahu created to bring joy to the farthest Right he now
caters to.
His victory will not make Israel safer. Just the opposite.
And if he thinks apartheid for Palestine needs reviving, it
will re-energize Islamic radicalization that Hamas is known
for. Getting rid of Hamas will not get rid of Muslim radicals'
hatred for Israelis/Jews.
It is simply a historical heinousness against humanity that
needs Netanyahu's removal and prosecution for war crimes.

Steven Douglas
2024-06-17 18:27:24 UTC
Post by DocUFO
Post by Steven Douglas
For the morally confused ignoramuses among us, a Hamas
terrorist leader has admitted that it's part of their
sick and demented strategy to have their own civilians
killed, because they know the morally confused dummies
in the world will feel sorry for HIM and his sick and
demented terrorist friends.
What a shame that we live in a world where people are
so morally confused that they support the murder and
kidnapping of innocent Jews (and others, including
Christian Americans), and then blame the Israelis
for wanting to defend themselves from any further
attacks by the sick and twisted terrorists that our
own morally confused ignoramuses support.
Headline: "Hamas leader believes civilian deaths are
'necessary sacrifices' in Israeli war, leaked letters
[excerpt] The mastermind behind Hamass Oct 7 attacks on
Israel is stalling ceasefire talks and using the mounting
Palestinian death toll to his advantage, leaked messages
show. [end excerpt]
Will this news cause any of the morally confused ignoramuses
among us to change their minds, and demand that Hamas end
this war by accepting a ceasefire? Of course it won't, this
is all about hatred of Jews -- and the morally confused among
us will continue to hate Jews and blame Jews for all the
problems of the world. That's just how sick and twisted some
people are.
Netanyahu is a war criminal
He didn't start the war, Doc. Your terrorist friends did.
Your terrorist friends are the war criminals, but you are
too morally confused to see the truth -- because you have
been given a strong delusion that causes you to believe
the LIE that you repeat here on a regular basis.
2024-06-17 19:33:07 UTC
Post by DocUFO
Netanyahu is a war criminal and a tyrant
He's not a war criminal. Or, if he is, all of his crimes
are against the Israeli people -- dragging out the
fighting to maintain his grip on power.
Post by DocUFO
He will likely not politically survive his tyrannical, heinously
inhumane behavior
He should have already won, stamped Hamas out of existence,
killed all their leaders and been thrown in jail for his
corruption and incompetence. The world would see his
prosecution as vindication: "The Jew got what he deserved!"

But he was never guilty of going to war.

Hamas, like the Nazis in 1945, would rather watch every last
civilian die than surrender. And that's exactly what they're
doing, as you use this alter to reward them for it.
Post by DocUFO
His victory will not make Israel safer.
They can clean up Gaza though.

Boot out all the non-Palestinians, and there's a shit ton
of them. Install a government that cares about the people
and will concentrate on economic development, not
Forever War... Netanyahu could achieve that. If he ever
wins this war instead of milking it for his own benefit.

What's your plan for stability?

Map it out for us, this alternative path to stability that
you endorse over the war.
2024-06-17 20:04:34 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by DocUFO
Netanyahu is a war criminal and a tyrant
He's not a war criminal. Or, if he is, all of his crimes
are against the Israeli people -- dragging out the
fighting to maintain his grip on power.
Post by DocUFO
He will likely not politically survive his tyrannical, heinously
inhumane behavior
He should have already won, stamped Hamas out of existence,
killed all their leaders and been thrown in jail for his
corruption and incompetence. The world would see his
prosecution as vindication:  "The Jew got what he deserved!"
But he was never guilty of going to war.
Hamas, like the Nazis in 1945, would rather watch every last
civilian die than surrender. And that's exactly what they're
doing, as you use this alter to reward them for it.
Post by DocUFO
His victory will not make Israel safer.
They can clean up Gaza though.
Boot out all the non-Palestinians, and there's a shit ton
of them. Install a government that cares about the people
and will concentrate on economic development, not
Forever War... Netanyahu could achieve that. If he ever
wins this war instead of milking it for his own benefit.
What's your plan for stability?
Map it out for us, this alternative path to stability that
you endorse over the war.
Explain how one more 'WIPE OUT' of a Muslim radical group
will accomplish anything but continuing a tit-for-tat
cycle of bloody revenge so embedded in the that region's
unrelenting wars that are rooted deeply in religious, racial,
ethnic and nationalistic prejudices.
ISIS and Al Qaeda are making comebacks and after this Israeli
war policy debacle, recruitment and popular support for Muslim
radicalism will increase.
This crisis is little more than a continuation of Western
support for its Judeo-Christian beliefs, elitists' massive
investments, for racists, religious bigots and extremists'
The same psychopathic muck that precedes more bloody senseless
and heinous human stupidity known as war foreshadows this current
fucked-up slaughter of innocents.
It'd been wiser and certainly humane to have stopped with
Israel's retaliation when the death toll had reached 1500 or
2000 but it's now in the tens of thousands with many more civilians
killed than combatants.
And war is spreading out into at least four other nations. The US
Navy claims Houthis have created a naval conflict not experienced
since WW2.
Hezbollah has launched into another major conflict with Israel.
Iran and Russia are fueling warfare with a seemingly endless
supply of drones and other weaponry.
And we're of course, committed to an endless supply of arms free
of charge to Israel.
Nothing like Camp David detected at all. Just more bloodletting,
righteous rhetoric and making big bucks selling arms.
Jesus won't be coming. Neither will Mary and the Saints. Not
the angels, either.
Just more graves and cremations and angry broken families.
2024-06-17 20:21:30 UTC
Post by DocUFO
Explain how one more 'WIPE OUT' of a Muslim radical group
will accomplish anything but continuing a tit-for-tat
cycle of
THAT is the propaganda!

Hamas is the government of Gaza. It's not just a terrorist
group, it is the government! The government of Gaza declared
war on Israel the exact same way the government of Japan
declared war on the U.S. -- with a sneak attack.

Hamas abolished elections, back in 2006. They kill all
opposition. Trying to undermine or overthrow the fascist
state in favor or a democracy is "Working for" or "Spying
for" the Israelis, and is punished with death. Every time.

So you stamp out Hamas, kill their leaders and install a
government that cares about the people.


You know, EXACTLY how I've been spelling this out since the
war began.


What is your "Path to peace,"though what we actually need
is stability.

How do we get there?

Map it out.

How does stopping the war before Hamas is exterminated
bring about stability?

Map it out.
2024-06-18 02:53:44 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by DocUFO
Explain how one more 'WIPE OUT' of a Muslim radical group
will accomplish anything but continuing a tit-for-tat
cycle of
THAT is the propaganda!
Hamas is the government of Gaza. It's not just a terrorist
group, it is the government! The government of Gaza declared
war on Israel the exact same way the government of Japan
declared war on the U.S. -- with a sneak attack.
Hamas abolished elections, back in 2006. They kill all
opposition. Trying to undermine or overthrow the fascist
state in favor or a democracy is "Working for" or "Spying
for" the Israelis, and is punished with death. Every time.
So you stamp out Hamas, kill their leaders and install a
government that cares about the people.
Oh, you mean like our attempts to destroy the Taliban and
dictatorships like Saddam's Iraq? LOL!
Whose going to do the righteously bloody cleansing of human
That'd be undoubtedly corrupted Western nations' investors
in oil and gas, for example, and arms sales. Hegemony thinly
disguised as liberation.
Just more capitalists manipulating for their continued flow
of big money and their flexing of their self-importance.
There is only one shining example of how real, honest and
hard diplomacy can give the people a better coexistence
among former long enemies - Camp David.
Nowhere is any hint of it's breakthrough mindset or its risk-taking
bold leaders, Sadat and Begin, nor even its brave broker, Carter,
anywhere in sight in this critical and worsening humanitarian
crisis that spits on the goodwill, trust, love and peace
Jesus emphasized as the only true way to a better coexistence.
And that means compromise.
A behavior that's drifting away from a warring species globally as
well as domestically.
That portends a continuation of armed conflict until some dopey
leader decides to experiment with the destructiveness of A and
H bombs in an actual war. You know, just starting with the lil'
Small mushroom mass death opposed to big mushroom mass death.
It'll likely begin there or in some previously unimportant piece
of real estate.
Post by JTEM
You know, EXACTLY how I've been spelling this out since the
war began.
What is your "Path to peace,"though what we actually need
is stability.
How do we get there?
Map it out.
How does stopping the war before Hamas is exterminated
bring about stability?
Map it out.
2024-06-18 04:30:52 UTC
Post by DocUFO
Oh, you mean like our attempts to destroy the Taliban and
dictatorships like Saddam's Iraq? LOL!
You, in all your alters, religiously believe the media.

I have no idea what U.S. policy was in Afghanistan, Iraq
or anywhere else. As far as Iraq goes, I can honestly
state with absolute confidence that you are completely off
your rocker. You have ZERO clue why we invaded, what we
hoped to accomplish or ANYTHING for that matter. We were
treated to an endlessly rotating "Explanation" or "Reason"
for the war. And the media coverage snapped from 100%
pro war to 100% "Quagmire" in an instant, after the was
was over.

So I ask AGAIN: MAP OUT the path to stability which
depends upon ending the was while maintaining Hamas in

Explain how we reach a stable situation in Gaza, with
2024-06-18 07:49:36 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by DocUFO
Oh, you mean like our attempts to destroy the Taliban and
dictatorships like Saddam's Iraq? LOL!
You, in all your alters, religiously believe the media.
I have no idea what U.S. policy was in Afghanistan, Iraq
or anywhere else. As far as Iraq goes, I can honestly
state with absolute confidence that you are completely off
your rocker. You have ZERO clue why we invaded, what we
hoped to accomplish or ANYTHING for that matter. We were
treated to an endlessly rotating "Explanation" or "Reason"
for the war. And the media coverage snapped from 100%
pro war to 100% "Quagmire" in an instant, after the was
was over.
So I ask AGAIN:  MAP OUT the path to stability which
depends upon ending the was while maintaining Hamas in
Explain how we reach a stable situation in Gaza, with
If my or any other's mapping out solutions to crises never
ending in that warring region, it'd not have one fucking
thing to do with genocide of innocent civilians.

Stability will never be attained because inhumanity spurs
revenge that's of an equal or greater heinousness.

A violent cycle unbroken except for Camp David's solution.

No military solution except to literally wipe out every
opposing group and then that'd only be temporary.

In reality, very few leaders in our history have gone as
far as the Camp David participants to have what has turned
out to be a long-running solution between two long-time
adversaries, Egypt and Israel.

We need to replicate that effort and never acquiesce to
left or right-wing extremists' "solutions."

You "map out" how extremism will resolve any of their
conflicts successfully for both parties.

Right-wing extremism is controlling Netanyahu as it has
controlled our US House to its detriment as a governing
body, as it has exerted its growing influence in Europe,
in Russia and elsewhere.

Neither left or right-wing extremism holds any viable
solutions the majority would likely accept unless they
were as stupid as your abused garden gnomes.

2024-06-18 16:28:42 UTC
Post by DocUFO
If my or any other's mapping out solutions to crises never
ending in that warring region, it'd not have one fucking
thing to do with genocide of innocent civilians.
Great. I've been asking you what you would do, not what you
wouldn't do... your gross misunderstanding of the word
"Genocide" aside...
Post by DocUFO
Stability will never be attained because inhumanity spurs
revenge that's of an equal or greater heinousness.
So you have no clue what so ever how to achieve stability,
with Hamas on the ground, and yet you piss & moan at the
thought of Hamas being eliminated.
Post by DocUFO
A violent cycle unbroken except for Camp David's solution.
Did it ever occur to you that if Camp David were a solution
then there wouldn't be any fighting today?

The problem here is that we either have to accept the
genocide of Israel, which would only result in all the
fighting/terrorism being directed at us, or we need to
eliminate the militants from any power.

That's it.

With the psychopaths eliminated, we can place near
limitless pressure on Israel to compromise. But with the
psychopaths in power, forcing Israel to compromise would
be condemning them to genocide. We would be weakening
them in the face of a psychotic enemy.
Post by DocUFO
No military solution except to literally wipe out every
opposing group and then that'd only be temporary.
No it wouldn't.

You don't just eliminate Hamas, you install a government
that gives a shit about the lives of their own people.

Gaza could be a paradise. There's tons of ocean front
property, the average December temperature in Gaza City
is 71F and it's positioned for any fossil fuel deposits
that may be laying offshore. They just need a government
that wants its people to prosper, in addition to staying
Post by DocUFO
You "map out" how extremism will resolve any of their
conflicts successfully for both parties.
It's not about them. It's about us. It's about what we
can do and what we're willing to do.

If we do nothing then Israel will be slaughtered.

if we help Hamas or even just leave them be then it's

But, if Hamas is wiped out then we can pressure Israel
into concessions.
Post by DocUFO
Right-wing extremism is controlling Netanyahu
Yup. And we can't do a goddamn thing about it because
Hamas exists.
Steven Douglas
2024-06-18 23:24:35 UTC
Post by DocUFO
There is only one shining example of how real, honest and
hard diplomacy can give the people a better coexistence
among former long enemies - Camp David.
Bill Clinton tried that, and the Israelis accepted the
two-state solution deal, but Arafat said no. Actually
he didn't just say no, he said HELL NO!!! And he sent
in the suicide bombers just to emphasize his point.

What you don't seem to be able to grasp is that the
so-called "Palestinians" do NOT WANT A TWO-STATE
SOLUTION. What's it going to take to get that through
your thick skull?

The "Palestinians" have ssid NO at every opportunity
they were given for a two-state solution, starting
in 1947 when the Palestinian Jews said YES! And the
Palestinian Arabs said NO! Remember, I just taught
you that fact a few weeks ago. Did you forget about
that already?
2024-06-19 04:24:45 UTC
Post by Steven Douglas
Post by DocUFO
There is only one shining example of how real, honest and
hard diplomacy can give the people a better coexistence
among former long enemies - Camp David.
Bill Clinton tried that, and the Israelis accepted the
two-state solution deal, but Arafat said no. Actually
he didn't just say no, he said HELL NO!!! And he sent
in the suicide bombers just to emphasize his point.
The United States is in a position to place virtually
limitless pressure on Israel. Together EuroTrash, we can
force them to any table, make any compromise. And we
do not dare. BECAUSE the so called "Leadership" of the
Palestinians are utterly worthless at best, psychotic
on most days.

The solution isn't a cease fire, it's the complete
destruction of Hamas so we can fill the vacuum with a
reasonable, rational government that actually wants the
Palestinians to live. And prosper.

AND THAT is just for Gaza! Next we have to deal with
the West Bank.