Hey, Doc, I've asked you this in the past:
(too old to reply)
2024-06-18 04:47:49 UTC
Do you honestly believe that you could go to Nairobi
and "Blend In?"

Do you think you could pass for a local?

Looks wise? Language? Do you think you could absorb
the culture to the point where you wouldn't be
recognized as an outsider?

What about Egypt?


So the very idea that A DIFFERENT SPECIES could do
this is absurd!

An alien from another world would be far more genetically
dissimilar to us than a house cat or a banana tree! Yet
they're going to "Blend in?"

Their brains wouldn't work the same way as any humans.

Assuming they had anything we might recognize as a brain...

Their eyes? Longs? Skin?


And how about this: Have you ever met anyone who was the
victim of a serious crime or even an accident?

You'd just need one -- ONE! -- to show up in an emergency
room to blow the roof off of everything...

What about a car accident? A house fire? A flood? Earthquake?


Terrorist attacks?

So the odds of aliens living amongst us and never ever ending
up in a hospital or morgue would be pretty much nil, AND
THEN I remind you of the larger problem:

As a different species, it would be far more difficult for
them than it would be for you to move to China and pass
yourself off as a native Chinese man.
2024-06-18 06:57:35 UTC
Post by JTEM
Do you honestly believe that you could go to Nairobi
and "Blend In?"
Do you think you could pass for a local?
Looks wise? Language? Do you think you could absorb
the culture to the point where you wouldn't be
recognized as an outsider?
What about Egypt?
So the very idea that A DIFFERENT SPECIES could do
this is absurd!
An alien from another world would be far more genetically
dissimilar to us than a house cat or a banana tree! Yet
they're going to "Blend in?"
Their brains wouldn't work the same way as any humans.
Assuming they had anything we might recognize as a brain...
Their eyes? Longs? Skin?
And how about this:  Have you ever met anyone who was the
victim of a serious crime or even an accident?
You'd just need one -- ONE! -- to show up in an emergency
room to blow the roof off of everything...
What about a car accident? A house fire? A flood? Earthquake?
Terrorist attacks?
So the odds of aliens living amongst us and never ever ending
up in a hospital or morgue would be pretty much nil, AND
As a different species, it would be far more difficult for
them than it would be for you to move to China and pass
yourself off as a native Chinese man.
Yeah, but you see, you're entirely basing your "theory" of
incompatibility with another species amongst us on, well,
US and our difficult behavior in relocating to cultures, races,
etc., different from our own (we grew up in) and having
major problems with integration with them. And they with us.

It's quite reasonable to presume more intelligent species,
wiser, around very much longer and observing us for a long
period, would make the adjustments necessary to survive on
a planet they can't find any other place. That is, if our
planet has all their needs and desires fulfilled, and they're
not into violent dominance, they'd need to marry into our species
and become fully integrated into our systems and cultures. Our
psycho-social mindsets, as well.

It's virtually impossible for this seemingly isolated intelligent
species, homo sapiens, to imagine how another tool-making
intelligence would fare merged into ours, openly or secretly. The
latter being the wisest and most careful way to survive among
another species on the same planet. One that has a long history
of warfare, treachery, exploitation and insanity.

I propose that a humanoid species almost identical to ours, but
with much greater brain capacity (and a terrestrial existence that's
much longer), has merged quietly into ours for its survival. And
doing it respectfully and orderly without major problems.

It is my belief the Nephilim may have been that other humanoid
species interbred with Mideastern and North African hominids and
somewhere on the timeline an extraordinary evolutionary advancement
occurred, giving at least one other humanoid species much more brain
capacity and a very long period in which to evolve. Perhaps a
major mutation occurred and their intelligence leaped ahead.

They were called "sons of gods" but they were sexually compatible
with humans back then, spawning a first-round offspring that were
substantially taller but otherwise the same. No mention of their
IQ. LOL! Nor how they arrived. Since gods were mostly thought to
have come from the skies, the Judaic community labeled them as "gods."

It was a mislabeling of major proportions. Not much else of note is
recorded about the Nephilim's interactions with humans, but it's
important to note they weren't monsters, ugly things, nasty and vile,
or at least most of them.

As you know, homo sapiens have been all over the known world then,
mating with other varieties of humans, making for a very diverse
assortment of skin colors, sizes, shapes, etc. from pygmies to "giants."

In any case, I feel strongly that homo sapiens have a totally
compatible "lookalike" companion species sprung from apes and
have lived among us, knowingly or not that they're part of a
heritage that moves our species down the totem pole of IQ. Many object
to that theory pushing our self-exalted "godly" species down the
scale of intelligence. And yet doesn't the news tell us every day
we've overestimated or overvalued our intelligence and capabilities?

While Moses wandered around with his tribe during Ramses II's
reign, parahumans were flying over and some of them decided to
influence humans on a grand scale by posing as supernatural
beings, gods and angels, manipulating our species. As I'd said
many times, the advanced humanoids here had(have) some bad apples.

And therefore, "demons" and other dark entities were created by
our ignorance and misinterpretation. Ultraterrestrials are what we
are living with, not extraterrestrials - although the seed may
have been delivered from an ET source, as Loeb speculates.

There's a massively long period that scientists do not know what
happened on this planet with any certainty. 400 million years
of favorable environmental conditions or even 100 million "lost"
years, provided more than ample time for the evolution of at least
two humanoid species.


The base line is that someone has built and flown very advanced aerial
and sea craft that seemingly are far beyond our technology. The AATIP
secretive Pentagon study group admitted that some unknowns are solid
advanced flying vehicles but proposed they're likely craft from other
nations. It's been seven decades ago they were first detected doing
speeds and maneuvers beyond known aircraft and having very unusual
Unidentified submerged objects (USOs) display capabilities beyond known
sea-air craft.
There are documented cases of our merchant and coast guard personnel
observing glowing ovoid craft moving under ocean surfaces, entering and
exiting, that go back to the late 1800s. Captain Nemo?

2024-06-18 07:16:40 UTC
Post by DocUFO
Yeah, but you see, you're entirely basing your "theory" of
incompatibility with another species amongst us on, well,
US and our difficult behavior in relocating to cultures, races,
etc., different from our own (we grew up in) and having
major problems with integration with them. And they with us.
No, my honey bunches of oats, I base it on the fact that if we
are NOT incompatible then by definition we are one and the
same species.
Post by DocUFO
It's quite reasonable to presume more intelligent species,
wiser, around very much longer and observing us for a long
period, would make the adjustments necessary to survive on
a planet they can't find any other place.
No it isn't.

The most reasonable "Presumption" would be a space ark -- a
large enough ship to maintain a sizable population. In a
sense, a space borne city.

Then you don't have to worry about anything: Life forms
such as bacteria and viruses, or even substances that are
poisonous to you... Oo! And parasites.

This is akin to how the internet was invented: TCP/IP.

See, if you wanted to network computers you had to build
every machine to interface with every other make/model of
machine out there. But with this new internet, every
machine just had to know the protocol... right?

That's how aliens can do it: Instead of adapting to every
planet they find, they adapt to the spaceship. Done.
Post by DocUFO
It's virtually impossible for this seemingly isolated intelligent
species, homo sapiens, to imagine how another tool-making
intelligence would fare merged into ours
That's because, by definition, if they were merged with ours
than they would be the exact same species, not a different
Post by DocUFO
I propose that a humanoid species almost identical to ours, but
with much greater brain capacity (and a terrestrial existence that's
much longer), has merged quietly into ours for its survival.
You mean there's some people smarter than others?

Not really. If the self imposed ruling elite were actually smarter
than anyone else, more capable, they wouldn't have to rig everything
in their favor AND dumb the rest of us down.
Post by DocUFO
As you know, homo sapiens have been all over the known world then,
mating with other varieties of humans, making for a very diverse
assortment of skin colors, sizes, shapes, etc. from pygmies to "giants."
Homo sapien neanderthalensis, you mean?

There weren't different species, there were distinct POPULATIONS.
Post by DocUFO
In any case, I feel strongly that homo sapiens have a totally
compatible "lookalike" companion species
Really? Because Homo sapiens don't very much look like each
other, and the further back you go the greater the differences.

Humans are VERY different from each other: Skin, hair, eyes,
teeth... body shape... height... the differences are endless.
Post by DocUFO
sprung from apes
Other way around. Chimps, for example, are WAY too young to
have no evolved from an upright walking ancestor with a hand
that looked more like our own than a chimp's.
Post by DocUFO
While Moses wandered around with his tribe during Ramses II's
Impossible. Besides, even if you want to pretend that Moses
story is true, the Exodus would have taken place during his
son's reign, Merneptah.
2024-06-18 08:22:00 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by DocUFO
Yeah, but you see, you're entirely basing your "theory" of
incompatibility with another species amongst us on, well,
US and our difficult behavior in relocating to cultures, races,
etc., different from our own (we grew up in) and having
major problems with integration with them. And they with us.
No, my honey bunches of oats, I base it on the fact that if we
are NOT incompatible then by definition we are one and the
same species.
Post by DocUFO
It's quite reasonable to presume more intelligent species,
wiser, around very much longer and observing us for a long
period, would make the adjustments necessary to survive on
a planet they can't find any other place.
No it isn't.
The most reasonable "Presumption" would be a space ark -- a
large enough ship to maintain a sizable population. In a
sense, a space borne city.
Then you don't have to worry about anything:  Life forms
such as bacteria and viruses, or even substances that are
poisonous to you... Oo!  And parasites.
This is akin to how the internet was invented:  TCP/IP.
See, if you wanted to network computers you had to build
every machine to interface with every other make/model of
machine out there. But with this new internet, every
machine just had to know the protocol... right?
That's how aliens can do it:  Instead of adapting to every
planet they find, they adapt to the spaceship. Done.
Post by DocUFO
It's virtually impossible for this seemingly isolated intelligent
species, homo sapiens, to imagine how another tool-making
intelligence would fare merged into ours
That's because, by definition, if they were merged with ours
than they would be the exact same species, not a different
Post by DocUFO
I propose that a humanoid species almost identical to ours, but
with much greater brain capacity (and a terrestrial existence that's
much longer), has merged quietly into ours for its survival.
You mean there's some people smarter than others?
Not really. If the self imposed ruling elite were actually smarter
than anyone else, more capable, they wouldn't have to rig everything
in their favor AND dumb the rest of us down.
Post by DocUFO
As you know, homo sapiens have been all over the known world then,
mating with other varieties of humans, making for a very diverse
assortment of skin colors, sizes, shapes, etc. from pygmies to "giants."
Homo sapien neanderthalensis, you mean?
There weren't different species, there were distinct POPULATIONS.
Post by DocUFO
In any case, I feel strongly that homo sapiens have a totally
compatible "lookalike" companion species
Really? Because Homo sapiens don't very much look like each
other, and the further back you go the greater the differences.
Humans are VERY different from each other:  Skin, hair, eyes,
teeth... body shape... height... the differences are endless.
Post by DocUFO
sprung from apes
Other way around. Chimps, for example, are WAY too young to
have no evolved from an upright walking ancestor with a hand
that looked more like our own than a chimp's.
Post by DocUFO
While Moses wandered around with his tribe during Ramses II's
Impossible. Besides, even if you want to pretend that Moses
story is true, the Exodus would have taken place during his
son's reign, Merneptah.
Well, you and I and everyone living today and everyone living
for millennia before, in thousands of generations gone, have ever
known what occurred in the complexity of human evolution, as we
haven't been able to confirm any of a number of theories,
science based or otherwise, that circulate on the internet chat
circuit like virulent pathogens, accepting largely guesswork and
our incomplete record of details of our primordial-to-space age
evolutionary path.
The timeline itself boggles most people's minds and I am bored
with endless speculative arguments that are nothing less than
biases and wishful concepts that favor those biases.
I find it incredible to think this planet with its many
varieties of humans over 200,000 years, had tens or hundreds of
millions of years of favorable conditions to spawn a companion
humanoid species that easily runs circles around ours. Its
absence then relies on speculating aliens arrived, but yet where
is their signatures in our archeological studies?
Nothing in binary form from radio messages from distant stars'
Goldilocks candidates, either.
No evidence presented that our air/sea craft tech is anywhere
near the detailed reports from reliable observers describing
technology reserved for sci-fi. And for 70+ years of such
Where is the commercialization and military applications?
Why are we still using outmoded gas and oil to power our planes
and sea craft? Or even our land vehicles?
So many good hard questions that beg good solid answers but there
are none except for biased speculation and "theories" that are
about as viable as a vast leftist conspiracy to pull off an
electoral coup.
No evidence, no takers.
2024-06-18 15:55:34 UTC
Post by DocUFO
Well, you and I and everyone living today and everyone living
for millennia before, in thousands of generations gone, have ever
known what occurred in the complexity of human evolution, as we
haven't been able to confirm any of a number of theories
There isn't a giant blank, if that's what you're thinking.

We don't know how the pyramids were build, but we do know 80% or
more of their story. We know the who, when and where. We know
the materials. They've even excavated where the workmen lived,
what they ate... uncovered graffiti...

Human evolution is similar.

We know how things ended up, we have many pieces and the only
"Mystery" is how they should be fit together.


Not "Theories" but "Models."

In absolutely none of this is there the slightest room your
Post by DocUFO
The timeline itself boggles most people's minds and I am bored
with endless speculative arguments that are nothing less than
biases and wishful concepts that favor those biases.
I'm quite taken aback by how short the timelines are.

They're remarkably short!

I mean, Chimps don't even appear on this timeline of yours until
about half a million years ago! That's the age of the oldest
Chimp fossil: A little over half a million years!

Just doing the Google now, cus I couldn't be bothered to remember
this stuff, sources claim that the absolute oldest Homo fossil
ever found is like 2.33 million years old!

That's Homo habilis, btw.
Post by DocUFO
I find it incredible to think this planet with its many
varieties of humans over 200,000 years
What about the many variations right now?
Post by DocUFO
, had tens or hundreds of
millions of years of favorable conditions to spawn a companion
humanoid species that easily runs circles around ours.
Not even remotely close to something that might be mistaken for
Post by DocUFO
No evidence presented that our air/sea craft tech is anywhere
near the detailed reports from reliable observers
What makes them reliable?

What they are would be prime candidates for tests of new
technology. You can't test it on Russia or China because that
would be telling them what they need to develop countermeasures
on. Plus failure would likely hand the technology to your
rivals. So you have no choice but to test it on your own
Post by DocUFO
Where is the commercialization and military applications?
I can't think of any military application for technology which
is claimed to be able to out maneuver present military
technology, either.

Oh. That was sarcasm. Just saying.
Post by DocUFO
Why are we still using outmoded gas and oil to power our planes
and sea craft?
It's not outmoded.
Post by DocUFO
Or even our land vehicles?
Again, it's not outmoded.
Post by DocUFO
So many good hard questions that beg good solid answers
"Why does this Doc character keep saying these dumb things?"
Steven Douglas
2024-06-18 23:12:57 UTC
Post by DocUFO
It's quite reasonable to presume more intelligent species,
wiser, around very much longer and observing us for a long
period, would make the adjustments necessary to survive on
a planet they can't find any other place. That is, if our
planet has all their needs and desires fulfilled, and they're
not into violent dominance, they'd need to marry into our species
and become fully integrated into our systems and cultures. Our
psycho-social mindsets, as well.
Is there a blueprint that evolution follows to come up
with life on another planet that would "evolve" in such
a similar way to us that they could pass as one of us
when they came to our planet?
