(too old to reply)
2024-06-28 04:55:50 UTC

Most everyone seems to agree that Biden is an utter train wreck.

Of course this has been evident for quite some time. I was
really taken aback at the time when the dictator of China
visited San Francisco. Biden looked AND ACTED like he had just
wandered off from an assisted living facility...

Anyhow, Biden is toast. He's gone. So who is the nominee?
2024-06-28 20:58:47 UTC
Post by JTEM
Most everyone seems to agree that Biden is an utter train wreck.
Of course this has been evident for quite some time. I was
really taken aback at the time when the dictator of China
visited San Francisco. Biden looked AND ACTED like he had just
wandered off from an assisted living facility...
Post by JTEM
Anyhow, Biden is toast. He's gone. So who is the nominee?
As you revel in Biden's ageing problems, you must understand
it makes Donald nonetheless a serial business crook, a multiple
felon and seditionist.

What amazes me are Dems crying Joe was a physiological wreck
in the debate but many instances of his ageing problems have
been widely seen in videos for the past two years or more.

It would seem both parties have been delusional about their
unfit candidates. Democrats on CNN were almost in tears and

It's simply one of many overreactions to come in an extremely
tight election that has features unlike any other. And that'd
mean we're in unknown territory.

Biden fires up a NC rally and admits he's not as good as he
was in debates but promises he'll not drop out until...well,
he drops dead, apparently. LOL!

The Dem's overreaction to the debate is but one of many to
come on both sides, and in the heat of this insane election
year, many other nasty and nice surprises can be expected.

2024-06-28 21:06:00 UTC
Post by DocUFO
As you revel in Biden's ageing problems, you must understand
it makes Donald nonetheless a serial business crook, a multiple
felon and seditionist.
The problem is, all those things are only true of Trump BY
PROCLAMATION. The establishment has ordered us to believe
these things, thus they are true. At the same time, we can
plainly see that Biden is not fit for office and hasn't been
for quite some time, if he ever was.
Post by DocUFO
What amazes me are Dems crying Joe was a physiological wreck
in the debate but many instances of his ageing problems have
been widely seen in videos for the past two years or more.
Makes me wonder if this was an attempt to FORCE him to step
down, or if they are playing the expectations game.

I'm guessing it's the expectations game:

Biden set expectations remarkably __Low__, and thus extremely
easy to beat.

And it is far better to beat expectations in September than to
meet them in June.

The winner of a debate is the candidate who beats expectations.
Post by DocUFO
It would seem both parties have been delusional about
That's delusional.

Biden's performance was embarrassing. Trump's was not. He was
Trump. If anything, he was a mellowed down version of Trump.

So I ask again, because you failed to answer:

Who replaces Biden?

Harris? Newsom? Hillary? Someone else?
2024-06-28 23:27:20 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by DocUFO
As you revel in Biden's ageing problems, you must understand
it makes Donald nonetheless a serial business crook, a multiple
felon and seditionist.
The problem is, all those things are only true of Trump BY
PROCLAMATION. The establishment has ordered us to believe
these things, thus they are true. At the same time, we can
plainly see that Biden is not fit for office and hasn't been
for quite some time, if he ever was.
What it means is that Donnie has been a fraudulent businessman
for decades paying out tens of millions in damages from mostly
lost civil suits.
What it means is that the justice system is irrelevant to you
and tens of millions of his tribe whenever it reaches unfavorable
What it also means is that you and Stevie no longer regard the
Constitution as a viable system unless it favors your agendas.
Therefore, we need to circumvent it on unfounded claims and beliefs.
That's what is normally referred to as seditious thinking.
It's not meant to be a customizable document that serves special
interests, the rich and elite or any exclusive group or self-exalted
And so we all need to think less about deporting the invaders from Latin
America to make the nation more friendly and peaceful, and a lot more
thought about exiling MAGAnites and their leader to save the nation from
Post by JTEM
Post by DocUFO
What amazes me are Dems crying Joe was a physiological wreck
in the debate but many instances of his ageing problems have
been widely seen in videos for the past two years or more.
Makes me wonder if this was an attempt to FORCE him to step
down, or if they are playing the expectations game.
Biden set expectations remarkably  __Low__, and thus extremely
easy to beat.
And it is far better to beat expectations in September than to
meet them in June.
The winner of a debate is the candidate who beats expectations.
Post by DocUFO
It would seem both parties have been delusional about
That's delusional.
Biden's performance was embarrassing. Trump's was not. He was
Trump. If anything, he was a mellowed down version of Trump.
Who replaces Biden?
Harris? Newsom? Hillary? Someone else?
Steven Douglas
2024-06-29 00:29:14 UTC
Post by DocUFO
What it also means is that you and Stevie no longer regard the
Constitution as a viable system unless it favors your agendas.
Oh, the irony. You and the corrupt people you support in
the DC War Machine (you know, the people Eisenhower warned
us about) are the people who are destroying our Constitutional
system with their Banana Republic tactics.

I love our Constitution, while you and your fellow leftists
hate it and see it as an impediment. Today's Supreme Court
ruling that limits the power of the federal government's
agencies must have your head exploding, because you love
when the federal government oversteps its Constitutional
2024-06-29 02:27:45 UTC
Post by DocUFO
What it means is that Donnie has been a fraudulent businessman
What it means is that you're a troll. But whether you scream
"Fire" in a crowded theater because you think it would be
funny or you genuinely want to see people hurt in a panic,
you still screamed it, you still committed the harm.

This trolling of yourself...

You may not believe a word you say but you are saying it. You
are adding your voice to the flames.

You elected Trump in 2016, destroyed Roe v Wade and then spent
every moment since making Trump the name and face of the
opposition... making Trump the nominee.

And you will burn it all down.

I certainly wouldn't want to be a disabled old men in the
next culling. But, whatever, you decided otherwise.
Steven Douglas
2024-06-28 22:15:39 UTC
Post by DocUFO
What amazes me are Dems crying Joe was a physiological wreck
in the debate but many instances of his ageing problems have
been widely seen in videos for the past two years or more.
Did you miss all the LYING media and LYING press secretary
for Biden being critical of Fox News for telling the truth
in the past couple of weeks? Did you not hear all the LIARS
accusing Fox News of altering video to make Biden appear to
be old? Did you not hear the LIARS saying "Cheap Fakes" to
describe REAL videos?

Are you really this ill-informed?
2024-06-28 23:54:58 UTC
Post by Steven Douglas
Post by DocUFO
What amazes me are Dems crying Joe was a physiological wreck
in the debate but many instances of his ageing problems have
been widely seen in videos for the past two years or more.
Did you miss all the LYING media and LYING press secretary
for Biden being critical of Fox News for telling the truth
in the past couple of weeks? Did you not hear all the LIARS
accusing Fox News of altering video to make Biden appear to
be old? Did you not hear the LIARS saying "Cheap Fakes" to
describe REAL videos?
Are you really this ill-informed?
You've seen the acknowledgment of Biden's ageing problems which
is tragic and sad for him and his family, but he's not like
Donnie. Donnie tried to subvert our electoral system and his big
lie fueled the Capitol assault (they'd not been there had it not
been for "Storm the Capitol" rants he bought into).
Biden isn't up for constitutional subversiveness.
He isn't a serial business crook. Nor is he a serial philanderer.
Immoral law-breaking and pathologically lying Donald and his
seditious crew need punishment.
It may not stop the drift into civil warfare but laws are not
made to be broken nor privileged people be excused from them.
Growing old and suffering infirmities is actually a natural common
indignity that's not to be made fun of, but bullies and hillbillies
tend to do just that.
Donnie made fun of a badly disabled man early on and I was willing
then to give him the benefit of a doubt, but since then I can see
clearly he's a childishly hateful, vindictive oaf who now promises
total retribution if he's reelected.
His followers appear to not care he's planning a purge that'll
likely create mass violence, which he keeps flirting with in his
tweets and speeches.
He expects his followers to flood the streets in anger because
he's an innocent man victimized by evil witch hunters of the Left.
He is an evil witch.
Steven Douglas
2024-06-29 00:26:07 UTC
Post by DocUFO
Post by Steven Douglas
Post by DocUFO
What amazes me are Dems crying Joe was a physiological wreck
in the debate but many instances of his ageing problems have
been widely seen in videos for the past two years or more.
Did you miss all the LYING media and LYING press secretary
for Biden being critical of Fox News for telling the truth
in the past couple of weeks? Did you not hear all the LIARS
accusing Fox News of altering video to make Biden appear to
be old? Did you not hear the LIARS saying "Cheap Fakes" to
describe REAL videos?
Are you really this ill-informed?
You've seen the acknowledgment of Biden's ageing problems which
is tragic and sad for him and his family,
And the country. But if this is so tragic for his family,
they should be honest with him and tell him it's time to
step aside. What they're doing to him is elder abuse. With
your approval.
Post by DocUFO
but he's not like Donnie.
Yes, I'm painfully aware of that. As Trump said during
the debate last night, if Biden was a better president,
Trump would not have felt th need to run again. It's only
because Biden is SUCH A DIASTER that Trump decided to run,
and then just by "coincidence" all the indictments started
happening within days of Trump's announcement.

It's such a shame that you can't see the obvious corruption
happening right before your very eyes, but then you are
such a partisan hack and TDS sufferer, you are blinded by
your seething raging hatred of Trump.